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Soufflearning 2 - Expanding the innovative approach of On-the-job Training and Qualification for small and very small companies

Ongoing lifelong training is a major key to professional success. Although SMEs and their employees face fierce competition their participation in training and qualification is below average. SMEs usually cannot afford to send the few staff they have to external seminars and even in-house trainings are difficult to cope with, since day-to-day business often does not comply with training times. A training concept for SMEs that is tailored to the requests of staff needs but also allows quick adaptations in training contents is one of the endorsed approaches. Following the successful experiences of implementing Soufflearning – a face to face training methodology on the workplace – in 4 different regions in Europe (France, the Czech Republic, Italy and an additional region in Germany) the application of the methodology now was expanded to 5 more European regions in Spain, Greece and Bulgaria. The main aims of the project werea) Eliminating deficits in training and qualification amongst employees b) Training VET trainers c) Safeguarding of employment d) extend networking of VET organisations and trainers from more European regions.During the Soufflearning process involved trainers acquired additional professional and social competence and sensitivity in order to comply with these demands and to really interact with the trainee, rather than lecturing a standardised training programme. As main impact it was envisaged to help employees of SME’s to have more days of training and help SME’s to be more competitive. Experiences were presented to relevant stakeholders and aimed at continuing Soufflearning in SMEs with additional VET organisations. By networking between SMEs, VET institutes and trainers on a national level but also by involving previous partners from Germany, France, Italy and the Czech Republic a certificate procedure was developed and described to assure the unique Soufflearning training concept.
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6 Partners Participants