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Sortez vos expériences de stage pro à l'étranger, on va se former pour grandir dans l'Europe. "Si c'est nécessaire, il faut le rendre possible", Jean Monnet
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Maison Familiale Landscaping and Horticulture School is a further vocational education school situated in the west of France, in a village. It offers 3 main courses in landscaping and horticulture, at different levels but all based on part-time education. The Maison Familiale Landscaping and Horticulture School has organized work experience in England, Belgium, Poland and Romania since 2007. The work experience takes place in May / June, for 3 to 4 weeks for BAC PRO 1 Landscaping technologies (NVQ 2/3 equivalent). This experience is part of their curriculum in our school. The 15 participants aged 15 to 19, usually work for landscaping companies or cities’ technical branches. They all had at least a year and a half experience. They are young still and not very mature, they have not been abroad a lot except, for a majority, during school trip to Italy. They mainly come from small towns or villages (population under 8000 inhabitants) and have not developed a strong European culture (they mainly have prejudices on other countries) The aims of the project are - To improve the level of key competences and skills of students : communication in foreign languages, basic competences in science and technologies, and here to be precise the landscaping technologies ... (key competences for lifelong learning), - To raise awareness on European diversity and cultures, - To improve the teaching and learning practices, - To bring an international dimension to our school, - To enhance the relationship between the world of education and the labor market, abroad through our partners as well as in France, through our local partners. The activities of the project included not only the mobility in itself but also the preparation and accompanying of participants, the administrative tasks, the relationships with our receiving partners, the adjustments after evaluation and assessment on results and methodologies, aiming for the sustainability of the project and at last the inside and outside communication towards all our target groups and partners, before, during and after the mobility Results and impacts Results : - Participants did their mobilities / all steps of the projects have been achieved. - Development of technical abilities (mainly in England and Belgium), of botanical knowledge in Poland (mobility in a botanical garden), assessed by teachers and French companies after - Mixed improvement of language skills : better understanding and expression in England and Poland , lesser one in Romania and Belgium. - High quality reports and presentations at the European evening and the school Assembly. - Improvement of team work of teachers (cross curricular activities) - Improvement of teaching practices (participants well prepared, good technical level as assessed by receiving partners) - Satisfied receiving partners network : received motivated and curious participants, were happy to share their methodologies) Impacts On participants Positive development of the European citizenship, of social skills (relationship still going on) Positive improvement of autonomy and maturity (i.e. : adaptation skill in front of transport problems) Raising interest for other countries (seen in sharing afterwards with other participants and pupils) Improvement of self respect, of relationship to adults On teaching staff Improvement of project management : development of the Erasmus+ team : team work and sharing of methodologies of management Improvement of languages skills Will to work on cross-curricular projects Will to develop personal professional skills On the school Changes in teaching practices, like more cross-curricular teaching : languages and history of gardens through research on parks in each country Sustainability of the partners network : at the end of the experience partners are ready to receive someone again Improvement of school atmosphere (participants / adults relationships) seen through experience sharing, encouragement and promotion of presentations. Improvement of social skills of participants. European dimension of the school enhanced : towards favoring mobility and cooperation with other schools, even outside Europe like the BTSA group with China Long term benefits on participants : can not be assessed yet except autonomy and social skills as seen by French partners and teachers and parents and which has been confirmed by previous participants . Long term benefits on school, since 2007 : sustainable network of partners, European dimension seen as a Plus for incoming pupils, improvement of management skills, of cooperation and team work of the staff.

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2 Partners Participants