Solution of physical and mental health problems of.. (Solution of physical..)
Solution of physical and mental health problems of children belonging to a national minority and not under social protection in Transcarpathia
The funding promoted the establishment of a child rehabilitation skills developmentcabinet. The project included the procurement of necessary medical equipmentand skills development tools. In collaboration with Pető András Conductor TrainingInstitute, the applicant organized a professional training where participants learnedabout the philosophy, principles, application areas of conductive education as well asthe theory and practice of this education system. Moreover, a professional methodologyguide has been prepared that informs about the conductive education of children withspecial education needs who became physically disabled due to a damaged centralnervous system. Information to the public about the outcomes of the collaboration hasbeen given in the form of publications and conferences. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.
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