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Solunum Acillerinde ve Solunum Sistemi Hastalıklarında Acil Bakım ve Hemşirelik Uygulamalarının AB Düzeyinde Öğrenilmesi
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The name of the project is: ‘ Emergency Care and Nursing Practices Learning at the Level of EU for Respiration Emergency and Respiratory System Diseases’. In this project, 34 participant students from Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School’s (VTAHS) Emergency Medical Technician(EMT) department and 30 participant students from nursing department will be take part. In total, there will be 64 participant students and there will be 8 accompanying people. Any organism can live at most 3-4 minutes without breathing. Thus, life means respite! Respiratory System Diseases are third death reason in Turkey. 61.5 % of these deaths are due to KOAH. The most frequent type of these infections is pneumonia and it leads to infant and child deaths. It is responsible for 48% of infant deaths at the age of 1-12 month. According to Turkish Statistical Institute (TSI) data, respiratory arrest case who die before reaching the hospital are more than 80%. After the respiratory arrest, the first action to be taken means making choice between death and life. Although Emergency Health Services (EHS) completes its development process in EU countries, it is infancy in Turkey. Emergency of Respiratory Systems should be evaluated and emergency care should be implemented snappily and watchfully since respiratory systems can be life threatening. Respiratory System Diseases (RSD) and Emergency of Respiratory (ER) death are leading reasons of child deaths. Quick descriptionis important in ER and if early intervention is done, respiratory arrest and unavoidable situation which can result in death can be avoided. In the prehospital emergency care implementation, EMT encounters with ER cases primarily, EMT evoluates them firstly and EMT is intervention team, in the hospital, nurses are responsible for these actions. In our country, there is not education module within the context of ER in the nursing department’s cirriculum. Also, these modules are insufficient in EMT field. Since specific education and in-service training activities cannot be implemented, EMT’s and nurses’ knowledge level is inadequate. Nurses of Chest Diseases (NCD) are responsible for medical care and treatment of sick person who has breathing problem/respiratory insufficiency such as KOAH, asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, tuberculosis etc. The possibility of rapid respiration arrest emergence is high. Therefore, EMT and nurses should learn accurate/efficient/innovator approaches and uses, they should intervene quickly, they should learn CPR and uses of advanced life support. Participant EMT and nurses need to gain experiences and improve their abilities in this field since this field changes and improves quickly. Quality of Health personnel’s education and training are crucial since these personnel treat ER cases and they are responsible for emergency care. Decrasing life-threatening Respiratory System Diseases (RSD) and decrasing the death rates which depend on ER by using effective treatment strategies are possible with using professional nursing and using medical treatment and identifying ER quickly. In EU countries, experts reported that death rates decrease at the rate of 20% thanks to EHS which treat ER quickly with conscious, efficient, innovator education (DSÖ 2012). Thus, our participants need to see using of treatment/approaches/ emergency cares and NCD on site and also they need to transfer innovator/different/efficient/accurate of them. Main targets of project are immediate treatment to ER and RSD, emergency medical intervention and education of well-equipped, experienced, qualified health personnel in the field of NCD at the level of EU. Comparing home country’s and host country’ implementations and providing transfer of innovator/different of those Also, the other targets are that participants see approaches of intervention/treatment of ER and NCD, education/implementation of nursing/EMT on site and they gain knowledge/abilities particular to field in host countries. At the end of the education to be taken; setting a sample model product (training set like CD/DVD) which provides benefit to students in the health occupation departments and health personnel which work in the field, Country-wide dissemination of project, by preparing algorithms particular to field and by using modules which include information in the system of vocational education, Contributing to educating innovator,well-equipped, knowledgeable, skilled, qualified health personnel at the level of EU standards, Increasing quality of health vocational education and health care delivery system, Increasing health status of our country by decrasing death rates arising from ER, Are expected results of our project. In the project, mobility will be 21 days and include 4 run; the project will be actualized between the dates 24 January and 13 February 2016 and in total 64 participants will take part in the project.
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4 Partners Participants