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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the project Cooperating with Neighbours project we are sending all together 20 students to two different nursing homes in near Austria. 4 students will take part in long-term mobility. These will be third year students in carer program and 16 students who will join a three-week mobility are health care (nursing assistant) program students.They will be 4th year students who will have already done some practice and practical training. Their level of English is appropriate to participate in the project.The students and accompanying persons will go through thorough pedagogical, cultural and language preparation.With this project we would like to achieve the following goals: 1) gaining new knowledge and skills where the emphasis is on the most important professional competencies and qualifications;2) getting to know theoretical and practical methods and forms of work and its execution in similar programs. This way we are going to reach enlargement of attractiveness of vocational and professional education;3) assimilating and consolidating the language of the host country, getting to know its culture and tradition;4) getting to know the way of work and the health system in the host country;5) intensifying international cooperation among institutions and individuals;6) xenophobia prevention;7) contribution to strengthen European spirit;8) personal growth, independence and self-confidence;9) improving cooperation between the world of education and the world of work;10) intensifying the quality of education;11) supporting the system of transparency and recognition (europass);12) equality and integration of students regardless of their economic barriers and cultural differences (integration of the Romani).Practical training will be carried out in four waves. According to the previous experience we figured out it is very difficult to carry out the training at the end of the school year because the students need to gain the grades and there is final assessment that is why we are planning mobilities in the first half of the school year.We expect to reach the goals, broaden the students' mind and make it easier for them to find a job here or somewhere else.

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