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Socialinio paslaugų sektoriaus darbuotojų įgūdžių gavimas bei kompetencijų ugdymas kitose šalyse siekiant padidinti jų įsidarbinimo galimybes ES darbo rinkoje .
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project activities are implemented in order to improve the practical skills of teachers and students in the social sector, help them to acquire new competencies and deepen their theoretical knowledge according to their specialty. Participants will be able to apply the competencies and knowledge gained during the mobile period in their professional activities and this will give them the opportunity to be active in their communities. The knowledge gained will allow students to prepare for competence assessments at school with more ease. The goal is to improve the linguistic and cultural knowledge of students, making them more self-reliant and confident as well as ensuring multifaceted personal development. The organisers of the project seek to increase cooperation with partner countries, increase opportunities for mobility and the cooperation of young people. Target group for Activity 1: teachers of social subjects. Target group for Activity 2: students in social worker assistant programmes. Activity 2 is for pupils experiencing learning difficulties, individuals with poor qualification, orphans and young people from at-risk families. Project duration: 12 months. Activity 1 will consist of 1 trip: 5 teachers will visit Italy for 10days for observing work methods and developing new competencies. Activity 2 will consist of 2 trips, i.e., 1 trip for two different groups: 2 groups of ten individuals will go on separate 2-week trips to Italy. The main expected result is that the participant's experience in practice will be used to establish and completely equip a practical methodology office, prepare teaching tools and methods with the students' recommendations and new ideas, which will be useful for both the students and the teachers. Pictures of the office will be posted on the school's website. A publication will be presented during participants' presentations at publicity events. It will be available on the school's website, and the main points will be presented in leaflets. Information about the project will also be spread through the “Radio znad Wilii” radio station. Teachers will contribute towards a better formal and informal education, professional training and understanding of the interconnections in the labour market. They will prepare at least one training programme. The project will lead to an improvement in the participants' professional development. All participants will better their understanding of social and cultural variety. The goal is for participants in the project to integrate best experience and new methods into the daily activities of the school. Participants will be provided with ECVET and Europass certificates, which will be useful when looking for work in the European market in the future. Their teaching experience will be accredited and participants will be issued with a certificate. Participants will also establish collaborative ties with a partner abroad and improve project administration competencies.

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