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"Social Europe - Challenge Migration: Street Art 2016"
Start date: Jun 27, 2016, End date: Dec 26, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Title:"Social Europe - Challenge Migration: Street Art 2016"Subject:"Challenge migration. Migration as progress and essential evolution for the European Union"The project will show future prospects and challenges as seen by the younger generation on the subject "challenge migration" becaus of a changed living environment.Young people from Slovenia, Hungary, Germany and Austria will work together with international artists in the field of sociopolitical and youth-relevant topics and convert artistically. Works will be shown to a large public.Project-background:The youth culture project "Social Europe - Challenge Migration: Street Art 2016" deals with a current and acute theme in our society in particular "challenge migration". Young people will discuss and work out solutions for an economy based on human dignity, for a peaceful and equitable coexistence in a common peaceful Europe. Project objectives:- promoting intercultural dialogue and active citizenship by means of creativity and culture- dynamic platform of youth culture- encouraging networking, mobility and cooperations of organizations in the field of youthParticipants:60 participants from Slovenia, Hungary, Germany and Austria aged between 15 and 30 will attend this Youth Exchange.The young people will be devided into pupils, students, apprentices, socially deprived teenagers as well as young people from a migration background and Youths with disabilities.Description of activities:- Workshops addressing the topic "challenge migration", workshops focused on finding themes- Workshops: in the field of Street-Art, illustration, graphic: artistic implementation of this historical theme - Art actions in the public space: big eye-catchers at the front of houses and works of art at public transports- major public exhibition with artworks of all participants- international travelling exhibitions in the partner countries- public interactive performances in the field of Street-Art.- final conference with follow up activities: international travelling exhibition, art catalog

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