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SOCial Competences, Entrepreneurship and Sense of Initiative - Development and Assessment Framework
Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of SOCCES is to develop and pilot a framework and a methodology for assessment of two competences that are very important for working life - namely the Sense of Initiative and Entrepreneurship, and Social competences. The developed framework will be translated to a concrete assessment module that can be used in different educational environments. The module will include a collaborative, virtually enabled assignment and will be accompanied with virtually enabled teacher instructions. The critical importance of transversal competences in future employment is widely recognised. However, in most countries the educational practices are still under development and transversal competences are taught using different methods. Related subjects may have cross-curricular status, they may be integrated into existing curriculum subjects or they may be introduced as separately. In each case different assessment is used, hence no consistent framework exists. The lack of a standardised assessment has been encountered in the participating organisations internally and in collaborative activities between the institutes, hence the need for the SOCCES project was identified by the partners in their own practice. It was also recognised from the scientific and professional literature as a problem at a national and European level (and more widely). The consortium is built on the basis of previous collaborations. The project is coordinated by Coventry University (UK) and the other partners are Laurea Applied Science University (FI), Bologna University (IT), NHTV Applied Science University (NL), St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo,(BG), University of Montpellier I (FR) and Savares B.V. (NL). The framework is to be piloted by the participating organisations in different educational environments making use of an incorporated virtually enabled platform. Based on the experiences in the pilots, internet based training for teachers will be developed to assist the wider distribution and use of the method. SOCCES builds on the European framework for eight key competences, defined in 2006 (ANC 2006/962/EC). The ECTS guidelines for assessment and credit definitions will be followed in designing potential suggestions for credits systems. The European framework (ANC 2006/962/EC) describes competences related to basic cognitive skills, these being communication in the mother tongue; communication in foreign languages; mathematical and science and technology competences. Transversal competences include digital skills; learning skills; social and civic skills; sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and cultural awareness and expression. SOCCES focuses on social skills and sense of initiative and entrepreneurship. In SOCCES a mixed methodology is used. Desk-based research as well as interviews with key stakeholders is used to establish the firm baseline and specifications for the case studies and virtual learning environment. Action-based research is used in the case-studies and the development of assessment. Students, teachers and enterprises are involved both actively in the project itself and as the intended beneficiaries. The main anticipated outputs include: a baseline analysis on existing teaching practices and development needs in the form of an open source published report; a set of key requirements for teaching to enable both learners’ development of the targeted competences and professional skills but also the related teachers’ skills and available tools; a framework and systematic evaluation methodology for the assessment of the targeted transversal skills; a re-usable and adaptable virtually enabled real-life problem-based assessment module for the defined transversal competences that teachers and learners can use in different curriculum settings; a common set of guidelines and recommendations that teachers can use to develop or evaluate learning content or teacher training programs; instructions and toolkit for the teachers on the assessment method; dissemination events and activities. A deliverable with long term benefits will be a model for developing a “EuroComPass” for transversal competences - a modular European assessment and certification system. In addition the development of a virtually enabled community of practice will facilitate the sustainability of the project and its results and the re-use and development of the outputs from SOCCES.

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