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SMILE – Satisfação, Motivação, Inovação e Liderança na Europa
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Carlos Gargaté School Cluster (AECG) identifies itself with a practice and a culture that values openness to innovation and the desire of doing better by sharing experiences. An international dimension and the promotion of European citizenship are also characteristics of the AECG. This European mobility plan contributes to the achievement of some of the goals of its Educational Project (cf. where the AECG intends to maintain and strengthen its European dimension through the development of the following strategic areas, also under the targets for Europe 2020:-To respect the cultures and customs of other European partners stimulating a pedagogical practice founded on the values of tolerance and respect, thus contributing to the elimination of stereotypes and prejudices in the educational community;-To encourage collaborative work processes using the eTwinning platform and other online networks;-To enpower its teaching staff within the subjects' didactics and the inclusion of children with SEN, particularly in the 1st cycle and pre-school;-To enhance personal development in terms of motivation, satisfaction and language proficiency.A proposal for mobility of 20 teachers and technicians was drawn up (around 25% of AECG teaching staff) who will take part in European courses and jobshadowing activities suitable to their training needs and objectives, as described above, to take place in Finland, Czech Republic, Croatia and Greece. The choice of these participants was made in accordance with the AECG training needs, from a released call to the professional group.To accomplish this project and achieve these goals, we chose European partners that guarantee the excellence in the results. Finland because it is universally known, repeatedly, one of the world's countries where students have better results in PISA tests and where the quality of education is taken as an example, along with teacher training, as they choose the best teachers. Finally, the quality and accuracy of management are worthy of mention, also as an example in most educational forums. So, we have reasons to believe in the quality of the courses, in the training organizers and in the richness of practices and course content. We also chose a partner school in the Czech Republic for the recognition of its good work with a strong artistic component as well as outdoor schooling activitivies articulated within the curriculum. This partnership was born as a result of contacts made under other common projects. These synergies set up based on relationships of trust and recognition established on these projects.This project gives teachers also the opportunity to share and discuss with other participants the issues of training, to improve skills and professional profiles, to improve the quality of professional development, 21st century teaching skills. Therefore, the project strengthens the appreciation of the teaching profession through motivation and personal and professional satisfaction, the importance of the role of the intermediate leadership structures (since the top leading structures had training in a previous project) with a very positive impact on teaching practice and on the relations established, daily, between pairs, with students and with other educational community.The contact with other partners will also allow greater understanding of the institutions' policies, greater empowerment of European actions and the informal talks during the courses will also be an added value, allowing the development of English language proficiency and the discovery of new forms of cooperation, which will greatly contribute to the deepening of a European dimension and identity. The School Grouping expects that research, reflections, training and the development of new practices / products have relevance and applicability in the AECG and can be transferred to the practices of other national schools and other European countries, too.The AECG undertakes to disseminate the development and impact of the project on its website, on the eTwinning platform, on social networks and other usual means of dissemination. The evaluation of the project will be assessed by a large range of didfferent instruments which will also have a self regulation function for the strategies to be implemented in the AECG. A handbook, containing the account of best practices of this project and the organization workshops and other training events to replicate the acquired knowledge, will guarantee the sustainability of the SMILE project.
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