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Smartest Cars Video Project (SCVP)
Start date: Jan 1, 2008, End date: Dec 31, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Smartest Cars Video Project proposes to produce a high quality video documentary to raise public awareness of eSafety systems via mass media broadcasting. The project is in response to the stated need for such video documentaries in the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative. The project directly addresses the ICT Work Programme Challenge 6: ICT for Mobility, Environmental Sustainability and Energy Efficiency in terms of the goals of achieving a 50% reduction in road fatalities by 2010 and strengthening the competitiveness and technological leadership of Europe's automotive and supplier industries on the world market.Smartest Cars will be engaging, entertaining, and educational for the everyday TV viewer. It is intended to be shown on the major television channels throughout Europe. The project budget will support 180 minutes of video content, organized into several episodes. The documentary will be based on consultation with the vehicle industry. We will work with the industry to film the latest (non-proprietary) smart-car technology in action, as well as interview industry professionals. The experiences and perceptions of end users will play a major role. The documentary will avoid favouritism towards any particular company as well as the promotion of any particular product. A specific project task focuses on making arrangements with major broadcasters in Europe for airing the video program. Smartest Cars will also be shown to selected live audiences. A companion website with more information and extended video clips available for on-line viewing will be created. The project will also liase with relevant eSafety Forums and ICT for Mobility projects.The project coordinator H3B Media is the production company for Smartest Cars. The H3B team includes experts in ITS media, intelligent vehicles, and documentary filmmaking. Administrative support is provided by Irion Management Consulting. We will acquire specific video production services via subcontract.
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