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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Through the "SMART MOBILITY BY ECVET", the practice has become the main link between C T Decebal and identified labor market needs and at the same time something practical, attractive and useful for participants (persons in initial vocational training) in their transition towards a job after graduation. The aim of the project was to organize mobility activities in the field of professional training in order to increase the quality of basic education and professional skills to support the economic growth within the current context of labour market. Specific objectives aim: O1. Improving the quality of education and training so as to be assured the necessary conditions for the skills and competencies to respond to labor market requirements provided through a strategic approach to mobility VET. O2.Consolidation of connections both nationally and internationally of CTD - applicant for the development of cooperation between the labour field and training. The project was an innovative approach to compact training providing technical and financial support to students from groups with difficulties in access to training / labor market for an adequate practical training at European standards in modern European training centers. Training activities at work place were correlated with the skill of the participants, Mechanical / Electrical / Manufacture of wood in order to recognize the learning outcomes of the internship partners and obtain the widest possible impact of the project. The target group consists of 45 students in initial vocational training at CTD including 15 students (stream I) in the 10th Grade of the Electric and 15 students (stream II) qualification as Furniture Technician Designer and interior design who carried internship training practice of 90 hours at the training center CKP during 17.06.2015-07.07.2015; 15 students (stream III) in the 10th Grade of the Mechanics who carried internship of 90 hours at LAB training center during 10.03-30.03.2016. From the 45 students 38 were minors. 25 students belong to the category of people with poor opportunities, with difficulties in accessing training, people living in the rural areas, poor people with single parents or divorced. They were accompanied by five teachers nominated by the Administration Board of CTD, who supported and supervised the students during the mobility, helped them to attend the training program, supervised and assessed the progress and the outcomes of their learning. Built on previous experience we have developed a durable and collaborative partnership with European institutions having direct implications both for employers who need motivated individuals with multiple skills and for educational field. Initially the partnership was between Decebal Technical College, Drobeta, Centrum Kształcenia Praktycznego in Wroclaw Poland and ZAW- Leipzig Zentrum für Aus- und Weiterbildung Germany. Unfortunately the German partner Zaw could not provide practical training any more, in the field of mechanics, so we replaced it with a new partner Aus- und Leipziger Weiterbildungsbetriebe LAB GmbH, Leipzig Germany. The new partnership consisting of CTD, CKP and LAB was oriented towards the 45 students of CT Decebal in order to acquire the practical skills and abilities, certificates and diplomas at graduation enabling them to realize their basic professional aspirations. Obtained results: - 45 students have acquired the Euro pass certificate, linguistic and of participation as a result to: * Knowledge, practical skills and key competencies, specific qualification, acquired in the European space, in countries with experience in the industry, evaluated and validated in Poland and Germany, transferred and recognized in Romania; acquiring professional skills and abilities was done by direct and early "confrontation" with professional equipment, technical and quality procedures specific to qualification areas that led to personal development and employability on the European labor market; * Improved language, cultural and social skills which will facilitate a smooth transition from school to work, contributing to the improvement of regional index and reduce unemployment among young people at national and European level Project impact on CT Decebal: -the two partnerships ECVET formalized in MoU and LA have ensured a high quality of international internships and will lead to increased numbers of mobility and also will ensure transparency and recognition of their qualifications across borders; -attract a larger number of students in our school (tuition plan made 100% in the school year 2016-2017)

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