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Smart High Lift Devices for Next Generation Wings (SADE)
Start date: May 1, 2008, End date: Oct 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"All aerodynamic concepts for significant reduction of drag such as laminarisation require slim high-aspect-ratio wings. However, state-of-the-art high lift systems will suffer from the reduced construction space and do not cope with the required surface quality. Thus, SADE (Smart High Lift Devices for Next Generation Wings) develops suitable 'morphing' high lift devices: The seamless 'smart leading edge device' is an indispensable enabler for laminar wings and offers a great benefit for reduction of acoustic emissions, the 'smart single slotted flap' with active camber capability permits a further increased lift. Due to versatile usability both devices also offer aerodynamic benefits by shape adaption in cruise flight. Morphing devices imply the integration of drive systems into tailored lightweight structures and therefore reduce complexity and mass. Furthermore, focussing on electric actuators the energy consumption can be reduced. However, the high elasticity required for efficient adaptability of the morphing structure is diametrically opposed to the structural targets of conventional wing design like stiffness and strength. To find the optimum compromise precise knowledge on target shapes for maximum high lift performance and sizing loads is mandatory. Therefore, SADE comprises all relevant disciplines for the investigation of morphing wings and operates a state-of-the-art virtual development platform. Nevertheless, the focus is clearly set on adaptive structures. SADE builds on available promising concepts for smart structures. The technological realisation and optimisation of these concepts towards the special requirements of full scale systems is the most essential challenge for morphing today. Another challenge results from the aeroelastic condition the structural system is optimised for. Hence, a realistic full scale section of a morphing wing will be manufactured and tested in the TsAGI T101 wind tunnel."

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