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Small Atlantic Fishing Ports (PORT ATLANT)
Start date: Jun 4, 2006, End date: Feb 14, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The PORT ATLANTIC project is based on the creation and the putting into effect of a network of coastal villages and towns from the five countries of the Programme. In this network, two working groups will be constituted in order to proceed to exchanges of experiences, and these will concentrate on cultural and touristic aspects. One working group will look at questions related to the conservation and promotion of the cultural and historical heritage associated with the sea and with marine and fishing activities. The second working group will concentrate on ways to promote and manage tourism in the Atlantic coastal zones, basing its work on natural and cultural values, but always taking into consideration economic and environmental aspects as well. Achievements: ✔ Creation of a network of small ports on the Atlantic and study tours to determine the tourist value of zones participating in the project, ✔ Hosting of two themed conferences: one concerning tourism, the other concerning culture (participation of musical groups), ✔ Edition and publication of two tourist guides (8,000 copies): the first focussed on water sports and cultural aspects, the second on nature tourism, ✔ Creation of an Atlantic cultural itinerary and manifestation of interest from the Council of Europe for it to be integrated in its European cultural itineraries, ✔ Presence of the project in the main tourist and cultural events organised by the project partners, ✔ Creation of a website, ✔ 40 000 brochures, in the 4 languages of the programme, disseminated on the project.

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  • 58.2%   548 042,11
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants