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Skolvadības profesionālā pilnveide izglītības iestāžu piedāvājuma dažādības un kvalitātes veicināšanai
Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In order to diversify the education offer in municipality and improve the quality of education, according to the European Development Plan, requires to develop educational institutions management competency in planning, direction of innovation, as well as the European dimension.Project Coordinator Jelgava Local Municipality Educational Board, in cooperation with 8 local educational institutions from 01/12/2016 to 11/30/2017 will implement the project "Professional Development for Schools Management to Improve Quality and Variety of Educational Offer".Project goal: Professional development of educational institutions administrative stuff to develop diverse and high quality offer of education in schools, increasing the competitiveness and prestige of the school as well as preventing early school leaving.Objectives of the project:1. Improvement of learning assessment procedures;2. Diversification of educational offer;3. Improved school management competences.In project activities will attend10 schools administration staff (6 institutions managers 3 methodologists, 1 assistant).The project will be implemented in the following activities:1.Before mobility activities (preparatory measures before training).2. Structured course "Structured study visit to the schools / institutes and training seminar in Spain '," Primary education in the UK", "Assessment for learning: Creative and diverse assessment methods for education in the 21st century" attendance.3. Mobility follow-up activities (evaluation reports, shearing with obtained knowledge and experience in schools and in municipality level).4. The transfer of knowledge and experience in the education institutions needs.5. Sharing with adaptation results - work out Good practice and present it, do self-assessment.As result of the project will be developed:1. Developed learning assessment arrangements (in 3 schools), developed recommendations to improve assessment procedures in other educational institutions;2. Professional orientation program for at least one educational establishment;3. Implementation plan of alternative pedagogical methods / approaches for at least one pre-primary education;4. Work has begun on the development/ improvement of education institution Development plan;5. Guidelines and methodological recommendations for successful continuity from per-school to primary school;6. At least one educational institution improved offer of extra-curricular activities to provide various target groups (age, gender, abilities, interests) participation and engagement.The project will help to diversify the offer of education in municipality, make it better and more innovative. It makes the educational offer more competitive and raise the prestige of the schools involved in the project. While the students and educational stuff expanded horizons, providing international dimension in future work.
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