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Škola otevřená Evropě
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Škola otevřená Evropě" is a project created by a primary school ZŠ a MŠ Dub nad Moravou as a part of Key Action 1 (KA1) — Learning mobility of individuals at the Erasmus+ Programme. The project is the result of the search for quality changes in the areas of teachers´ lifelong learning needs, improvement of school management, management of international school partnership projects and also for the search of alternative financial resources in the field of school education.The main goals of the project are improvement in management, organising, language and methodological skills of the participants. Successful realisation of these goals will ensure better quality service provided by the school and ideally it will result in innovation of school educational programmes. Finally, all participants and other employees will get better motivation for lifelong education and discover new possibilities of multisource financing of school activities. In total, eight school employees (7 pedagogues, 1 non-pedagogue) will be supported to take part in 10 mobilities over the 20 month duration of the project. Among 10 stated mobilities, 9 will be for language or methodological educational courses, the remaining 1 mobility is focused on job shadowing.The project will be managed by an experienced three-member project team, whose members have divided their responsibility for particular steps and areas of the project. To provide the job shadowing activity, cooperation with the school Szkola Podstawowa im. Obroncow Gory Chelmskiej in the city of Leśnica in Poland was established. The project will have impact not only on participating school emploeeys, but also on other members of school staff and pupils in primary school and kindergarten. The predicted outcome is the increased quality in the area of the project goals stated above. The main contribution of the project is the long-term improvement in competitiveness of the school with bilingual grammar schools in cities as many of pupils still leave our school due to better language education in the city.
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1 Partners Participants