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Skills Utilisation in SMEs in Wales
Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Skills and training, which is accredited, is of particular importance for SMEs because of the impact that human capital improvements can have upon business outcomes including turnover, growth and innovation. CollegesWales has commissioned a research project with the University of South Wales Business School (USW) to further work in this area. This project will examine issues directly and indirectly related to skills and qualifications within SMEs in Wales. The focus will be on SMEs in the fields of tourism, hospitality and retail (priority sectors for the Welsh Government) from a range of geographical and market focus settings. There will also be a selection of SMEs examined from other sectors within Wales in order to provide a broader comparison of skills utilisation. The project will be conducted in three phases. Phase 1 has already commenced – the literature review and questionnaire design & pilot have already taken place. Questionnaires will be distributed in February/March 2016. A preliminary report is expected in April 2016. Please note that we are seeking funding for Phase 2 and 3 of the project - this will involve qualitative research via focus groups and telephone interviews and dissemination of the project findings and final report.
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