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Skills per tutti
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the project "Skills per tutti" will participate 20 students from Intermediate Vocational Training of Salesiano School San Juan Bosco of Moron de la Frontera, in two placements, one in the school year 2015-2016 and the other in the school year 2016-2017. The project will take place in the Province of Messina (Italy) where we have an intermediary partner and several host companies that will help in the implementation of the project. Our intermediary partner "A Rocca" is a nonprofit cultural association with extensive experience in the management of European programs and he will be responsible for the practical and cultural issues of the project, in addition to the development and monitoring of the training programs. The project includes also some host companies where the studedents will carry out the internship. The selected VET students will be in the second year of the Intermediate Training Cycles taught in our center: Business and Administrative Management. Students will have the opportunity to do an internship in Italian companies, selected by our partner in Italy, related to their professional profile that will be recognized as part of the Section of Training at Work Centers. The training in those companies will last two months; once completed the training on Italian soil it will be supplemented in Morón to add the number of hours marked on the design of each of the two training cycles. This experience in European companies will add value to the education of our students and will allow them: - To improve their levels of professional competence by completing the training received in our Center. - To enhance the employability of students of intermediate vocational training cycles facing the labor market. - To increase their language skills by learning English, besides starting with the Italian. - To gain in maturity and personal autonomy. - To improve their interpersonal skills and ability to work in groups. - To better their knowledge of European culture and labor market opportunities at European level. Among the main needs that we highlight in terms of our students are: - Lack of work experience; most are students have never worked. - Poor knowledge of languages; because of their level of education, they lack a high level of another language. - Personal development of the participants; they will won autonomy, increasing their self-esteem and confidence. - Be open to other cultures; most of the participants lack experience abroad. - Low valuation of vocational trainings. The Salesiano School San Juan Bosco of Morón has designed an evaluation plan for the results throughout the project and even steps have been taken to measure its long-term impact. It has also been established a strategy for disseminating the results so that the impact of the project is perceived by a large number of people and social partners to ensure the sustainability of the project results in the long run.

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