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Skills+ for School+ /Умения + за училище+/
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Тhe proposed action for European mobility and cooperation is based on the priorities for development of our school and aims at assuring quality education at European level. The key target areas include: enhancing motivation and professional competence of teachers, introduction of innovative teaching methodology and tools, increasing language competence of English teachers and teachers of other subjects in English, development of school‘s European dimension. Project time frame is 2 years (June 2014 – May 2016). Direct project beneficiaries are 11, of which 6 are English language teachers and 5 teach other subjects (IT, History, Biology and Psychology) in English. This represents 1/3 of the school staff (and ½ of foreign language teachers). This is a sufficient number of professionals whose active participation and contribution within the project will result in positive changes in school attitudes and practices and successful realisation of the set priorities. All participants are full-time teachers with university background and different teaching experience. The activities planned are in 5 clusters: 1. Qualification courses /including preparation/ 2. Job Shadowing 3. Post-qualification activities for piloting the acquired new knowledge and competencies. 4. Development and participation of international school projects 5. Multiplication of the innovative methodologies and practices at school and Ruse District level. In relation to the first activity we have identified 9 two-week qualification courses (8 in the UK and 1 in Ireland) organised by recognised educational institutions. The chosen topics cover creative teaching methodologies and language development, practical ideas for teaching literature in class, introduction to information and communication technologies in English language teaching, effective introduction of technologies in classroom; contemporary English, CLIL. Job shadowing is planned to take place in3 secondary schools in Italy - Istituto D' Istruzione Superiore " Enrico Fermi", Montesarchio, Slovakia - Stredná odborná škola Senec and Finland - Etala-Karjalan ammatiopisto, Lappeenranta. 6 two-week working practices are planned for in the period 01.11.14- 30.04.16 for 5 English language teachers and the deputy-headmaster /also teaching Psychology in English/. They include monitoring and and delivering English lessons, thus integrating the knowledge and competencies from the qualification courses in the UK, as well as development of e-Twinning cooperation. These activities will be beneficial for both us and the host schools. They will support the search for new opportunities , networking, feedback and exchange of ideas. They will ensure better validation of the competencies acquired during the training abroad. Post-qualification activities for piloting of the acquired skills include development of new teaching methodologies and practical lessons. With the assistance of the Regional Inspectorate of Education Ruse the good practices, developed during the qualification courses and the job shadowing experiences will be shared with teachers from other schools in Ruse District thus expanding the scope of the indirect beneficiaries. Communication with colleagues from different countries during qualification courses and the work on joint projects will broaden the opportunities for participation in international school projects. Plan for school internationalization will be developed, and in the period October 2014 - May 2016 the school is expected to realize one strategic partnership and 4 e-Twinning projects, involving 30% of the students. Expected results: • Acquired new competencies, including motivation of students and encouraging their personal development and independent learning, application of innovative methods for teaching English and literature, enhanced quality of teaching and education as a whole. • Improved language competencies of teachers; • Enhanced intercultural understanding of the participants and their knowledge of educational systems and practices of other countries; • Initiated school partnerships for increasing the on-going learning of students and teachers; • A wider European perspective and improved international profile of the school; • Integrated experience of the project participants into the wider teaching practice at school level and among the teachers from other schools in the district. In long-term perspective the project will raise the awareness to and understanding of other cultures and countries, providing opportunity for establishment of international contacts, active participation in society and development of European citizenship and identity. This will increase the capacity, attractiveness and international dimension of Geo Milev English Language High School Ruse as educational institution, providing education and activities at European level.
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3 Partners Participants