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Skills and Career Center - Pathways to the Labour Market
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

The main objective is to establish evidence that skills and career centers at Syrian Public and Private Universities contribute to the ability of students and graduates to develop personal skills, career planning, job-search and career managing skills to pursue a career on the labour market or to develop their own business. As such the project supports significantly national policies for the development of the required human capital to gain economic prosperity and social stability. Target groups are students - graduates and postgraduates - lecturers and employers.The project encompasses the following tasks and activities:1. Support the design and establishment of skills and career centers at 5 public and 3 private universities.2. Design and implement a skills and competency development programme for students based on a needs assessment encompassing five competence fields: Strategic and enterpreneurial management, planning and organising, leadership; communication, teamwork and cooperation; media, analysing and information processing; foreign languages.3. Design and implement a market screening instrument for employers to define employment needs and develop and implement an employment service support program in career planning and counselling and placement as well as temporary in-company training programs.
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10 Partners Participants