Search for European Projects

Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Colegiul National Banatean is a well-known educational institution in the Timis County. There are 2352 students learning in our school and 134 teachers. Due to this impressive number of students that have chosen to study in our school, the board of education and the administration board focus their attention on the development of a proper educational environment for the personal and professional evolution of our students and teachers, on qualitative educational standards and the promotion of inclusion and tolerance.Taking into account the above mentioned, according to the SWOT analysis and the training- need awareness, the following objectives lie at the basis of this project:-developing competences for a relevant number of teachers regarding the use of the modern teaching methods and technology and the practicing of European procedures regarding immigrant integration and diversity- developing a curriculum based on multidisciplinarity meant to enhance the students' entrepreneurial abilities- setting up a "European Commission" to initiate European projects and partnerships with a real europenisation impact on our institutionIn order for these conditions to be met, course providers were sought for in order to satisfy these institutional needs . Thus, the options regarded the following:-courses meant to develop the students' entrepreneurial abilities and prepare them for life challenges- IT courses for teachers which will give students the opportunity to learn with the use of modern teaching means and methods- language courses to encourage the institution's europenisation process and our school's promotion at the European level, through partnership with EU schools and participation in European mobilities - courses meant to develop tolerance and diversity acceptance attitudes and conflict management which are relevant in the current European context, which implies the assimilation of new cultures, different from the European ones, given the impressive number of immigrants in EuropeTherefore, there will be 6 fluxes of 4 teachers each, from all curricular areas, so that 24 teachers will return from these mobilities with newly acquired competences that they will apply during their classes.Their participation to the selected courses will take place during the implementation phase. But, before that moment, there is the preparation phase, which implies:- the selection of those course providers who can offer a solution to our institutional needs in terms of teacher training- introducing the Erasmus+ project on the teachers’ board meeting agenda and explaining the details of this project- announcing the objectives of the project, the participant selection procedure, the countries where the courses will take place, the institutions/ organizations that will provide the course, the exact dates of all the courses, the members of the selection team and the linguistic training- signing the contracts with the providers and offering information about courses timetable, accommodation and meals- disseminating the acquired comptences and the results that have been obtained after applying the new methods in the teacher’s daily activity- writing reports for The National Agency and the participants’ reports for the project team and the management of the school, ensuring thus the dissemination at local, county and national level through the methodic meetings of the teachers, for each subject in particular, the county teachers’ meetings at the level of Timis County School Inspectorate, the involved teachers’participation in national conferences and symposiums. During the evaluation phase there will be a quantification of the impct this project has had on both the students and the teachers. Thus, if the results prove to be satisfactory, according to the quality indicators, it means that the project objectives have been met.The expected results of the “Skillful European Teacher” project are:- The enhancement of the students’assertive learning- Better results in school- Acquiring the diversity tolerance and acceptance resultsOn a long term, the expected results are:- To elaborate European projects in order to promote the school image, the city of Timisoara and the national values at the European level and facilitate the professional development of both teachers nd students through good practices exchange and European training- To use modern teaching means and methods in the class, aand to adapt these to the European and national needs in order to develop the students’ life abilities and enhance and thus their better integration on the labour market- To create a motivating educational framework for our students through good practices examples

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