Skill your EVS
Start date: Aug 1, 2014,
End date: Dec 1, 2015
The AAAMI (Association for the Accompaniement of International Mobility Actions) works on the most difficult suburbs of Echirolles and Pont-de-Claix (South of Grenoble) economically disadvantaged, where lives a young population facing divers problems going from social isolation to school leaving difficulties, professional insertion difficulties and low qualifications…
Our aim is to ive a chance to youth to understand, thanks to the European Voluntary Service (short and long term), the richnesses and skills they have and break this social, geographical and sometimes communitarian isolation. This experience will give them the opportunity to reinforce or develop new skills in order grow personnaly and go back to employment or training.
« Skill your EVS » has for objectives the active participation of 10 young volunteers with fewer opportunities that will go in 3 different countries : Greece, Poland and Portugal.
6 will go on short term EVS experiences (1 month in Poland) and 4 on long term duration projects (10 and 12 months in Greece and Portugal), regarding their motivations, interests and abilities. They will be involved mainly on communication (United Societies of Balkans in Greece) or animation projects (EFM in Poland and Casa Pia de Lisboa in Portugal) for divers targets groups (adults, childrens, young people).
This project will give the opportunity for youth with fewer opportunities to experiment involment in Europe in order to develop new knowledges, know-how and aptitudes they will use in a strategy of social, professional, economical and cultural promotion.
Finally the impacts and results of this project will be seen at the local, regional, national and europen level. We hope it will give the possibility to more and more youth, professionals and collectivities to participate in « Erasmus + ».