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Системите за професионално образование и обучение в Германия със специален фокус върху ПОО в областта на електрониката, електротехниката и компютърните технологии
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project " The system of vocational education and training in Germany with a special focus on VET in the fields of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer technologies" is aimed at studying the German dual system of training and increase the competences of the participants in vocational training, to achieve innovation and improving the quality of teaching; increasing foreign language skills; experience exchange in the field of vocational education and training and the adoption of advanced policies and practices in accordance with the principles of the Strategy for Sustainable development.The project objectives are:- Perception of ideas and programs relating to the dual form of education;- Introduction to the administration of training and implementation of best practices;- Monitoring of training and work places in the German vocational training;- Establishment of an active, mutually beneficial cooperation between the beneficiaries and their host partners in Germany.- Adoption of a model of partnership between training institutions and SMEs;- Monitoring the state's role in the promotion and regulation of relations between employers and training institution;- Attracting new partners - employers.The beneficiaries are 10 :- 7 teachers in general education and vocational training;- Management personnel in administrative business;- Management staff in vocational training;- Principal of the school.The content of the project is as follows:- Preliminary language and cultural training of users carried out in Bulgaria prior to mobility related to the project objectives- Тen-day mobility in the frames of which users will visit educational institutions in the field of vocational education and will become familiar with current curriculum; management experience and management of the learning process; companies and organizations for vocational training; professional orientation of young people of secondary school.- Certification of acquired competencies- Promotion of activities and resultsExpected results and benefits after the project implementation are related to:-Understanding and studying the mechanisms of the German dual system;- Improvement of managerial experience;- Introducing good management practices;- Introduction of new methods of teaching and assessment;- Getting an idea of the overall organization of the educational process in the dual form of education;- Upgrade professional skills and competencies of teachers;- Good knowledge of the equipment provided in specific jobs , techniques and software;- Opportunities to compare the ratio between theory and practice in both education systems;- Opportunities for curriculum development in VET in cooperation with employers;- Opportunity for partnership between training institutions and SMEs;- Discussing the role of the state in promoting and regulating the relations between the two institutions;- Increase students' motivation to participate in international programs with the aim of improving the competitive position of their labor market in the EU- Harmonisation and standardization of competences acquired in vocational educationThe project is aimed at improving the competence of users for a better quality vocational education in line with the continuous technology development and application of European standards in training.

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