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Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR)
Start date: Dec 31, 2000, End date: Dec 30, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Intelligent traffic systems in the air transport sector contribute to reduce airports' environmental footprint and to minimise nuisances like noise and air pollution. Technological tools can contribute to a more efficient management of flights both on the ground (airport management systems) and in the air (Functional Airspace Blocks).Air transport contributes significantly to European economic growth and employment. As demand in air transport is constantly growing, developing an efficient air transport infrastructure in Europe is a priority for the European Union (EU). This is why the EU launched in 2004 the single European skyinitiative, which aims to:• restructure national airspaces with a consolidated air traffic service provision; • modernise air traffic management (ATM) infrastructure in order to provide the required capacity that continuing traffic growth entails.SESAR is a performance-driven programme built around the ATM stakeholders expectations for the new ATM system to be developed by 2020.SESAR brings a truly new approach to ATM modernisation through a coherent programme which will provide guidance and leadership to all ATM-related initiatives in Europe with a view to achieve global interoperability.The SESAR programme comprises three phases:The definition phase (2005-08) has produced the ATM master plan, which identifies the technological steps and the modernisation priorities necessary for implementing a new ATM concept.The development phase (2008-13), managed by the SESAR Joint Undertaking, will develop the new equipment and standards to ensure, through the regulatory mechanisms of the single European sky, the replacement of the existing ground and airborne systems and interoperability with those outside Europe.The deployment phase (2014-20) will consist of large-scale production, procurement and implementation of the new ATM infrastructure and of the corresponding aircraft equipment.
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