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Sığınmacı Eğitiminde AB İşbirliği
Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Turkey, is faced to the greatest migration acts of her history. Since April 2001 the number of Syrians starting to refuge to Turkey is 1 905 984 according to the official records of Interior Ministry and this number is over 4 million together with the unrecorded ones. The exceeding of the defector numbers and defector period than the estimated ones and since the period is uncertainty it makes the education part to give more importance. At the moment there are 130 Syrian defectors educating with Turkish students at our school. Almost ¼ th of each class compose of defector students. There are the similar problems at the other schools in our city although there is not so much density as ours.The aims of our project:-The cover of the education needs of the defector children and in integration periods to the society, to learn the education programs and to take good applications as sample applied in EU countries,-To provide the professional development of the teachers,-To provide the synergy of all the education partners at our school and strengthen the corporate capacity by forming the application platform of a multi cultured education program,-By carrying out an international project, to increase our knowledge, skill and experience and develop the sustainable cooperation with international societies.Our project partner group consists of 26 teachers from different branches. Our teachers are the expert ones developing themselves in their topics. Our teachers develop themselves by joining to many on- the- job education every year. They have also participated to many on-the-job education and seminar work as voluntary, by courtesy of the total quality management and values education carried out at our school. Our teachers have also developed themselves by participating to the seminars arranged in Turkish teaching for the foreigners. Our teachers are the idealist ones loving his profession and country, participating their students to the scientific, sportive, cultural and social contests and obtained various degrees.Our teachers, due to the reason of applicability of workshop works taking part at the project and upon the demand of our partner have divided into two groups , will realize activity in different dates also will get an education. The activities of mobility of our project are realized in suitable date including the report card period not to failure the education program of our school.The activities to be realized in our project are taken under the heads of preparation activities, mobility activities, evaluation activities and dissemination activities. The preparation period activities are the periods where our teachers have realized their professional preparations, cultural and social preparations, preventing the security and risk preparations and foreign language preparations. The mobility period covers the cultural and social activities where our teachers undertake mainly the education activity for the refuge education. The mobility period is totally 10 days of which two days for journey. The evaluation period starts with the evaluation meeting to be held the last day of mobility activity, and the basic purpose is to see the gains of the project, perfection and the determination of the good samples faced.The perspective period is the dissemination period that the gains obtained from the project, perfections and the good application samples disseminated to the target body.The methodology to be used;- Collection of data- General design- Planning and starting- Following and evaluation- The analysis of strong and weak part- The revision of the plans- Evaluation- DisseminationThe pretension of basic result and effects of our project;-Our teachers will increase the knowledge savings, gains and perfections related with the education periods of the defector students and will plan better the education periods of the students together.-The attitude and the behavior of our directors will develop at equal distance and at the direction of the philosophy of being right and the development of education-teaching and management will be provided by forming a corporate synergy.- Formation of an education ambiance for our each student bounds to the international values, to our constitution and the basic principles of democracy, protecting their rights, providing their training with our society at a peace way, will be provided. - By realizing a project at a cooperation with a school from a different culture, cultural and social gains will be provided.
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