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"Sharing Twin Links"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

San Jose de Calasanz School is a subsidized centre which depends on the Department of Education of Valencia and on the Order of the Piarist Priests. It is a centre with nursery from 3 to 6 years old, and Primary and Secondary Education. It is situated in the region of La Ribera in the province of Valencia, in the town of Algemesí. The educational community is made up by 667 students, their families and the teaching staff composed by 50 teachers. Last March 2014 in a school meeting, it was discussed the need to create a working group to study and reflect the international dimension of education which we wanted to give to our school. The result of that discussion was the creation of the “Equipo de Innovación Educativa”, composed by fifteen teachers, including the Pedagogical Director of the Centre, the Heads of Study of primary and secondary, 5 teachers of English from the centre, 2 PE teachers and four elementary teachers who are studying languages to teach their classes in a foreign language. Last March 2014 this Innovation Team delimited the following areas for improvement: -To try to provide families with the necessary tools to expand the training of their children, trying to cover those areas which families can not cover because of financial difficulties. Also to try to improve the ability to answer to the individual needs of each student monopolizing the diversity which we face. This need is embodied in trying to implement a programme of teaching a second foreign language in the centre. - To focus on new teaching and innovative approaches by adapting the role of teacher to achieve the figure of a teacher seen as a cooperative learning collaborator and facilitator of knowledge, that is top say, trying to redefine the professors’ role in the classroom. We have to made an effort to update teaching methods for students who were born in the digital era, in which ICT is part of their daily life and of the life of their families. We must invest in teacher training programmes where a holistic approach to learning occurs and where ICT play an important role. - To modernize the way we deal with the management of our schools, updating the way we deal with day to day affairs by studying other management models in other countries. - To provide our students and teachers with academic qualifications beyond their academic records. To focus on external certifications from other countries such as certifications from the University of Cambridge or updating the professional curriculum of our teachers through Europass. - To strengthen the European climate which already exists in our school. We have worked hard learning a foreign language in recent years but we are obliged to take a step forward relying on the European dimension of education. The implementation of a second foreign language is one of the goals we want to achieve more earnestly. “Twin Sharing Links”. Our project is the beginning of our European journey. We intend to surround the current needs identified in our centre and broaden the scope of work which we have been doing. We hope this will be the starting point of stronger European projects with other European centres. . The goals we want to achieve are specified as follows: - To study management models with renowned European centres. To study models of Good Practices in European centres. - To facilitate linguistic and methodological training to teachers interested in teaching their subjects in a foreign language. -To update the pedagogical and linguistic skills of foreign languages teachers. -To research new teaching methods in Europe, such as CLIL in areas such as Maths, Science or Social Studies. -To promote the international dimension of education by seeking European partners to implement exchange programmes with them. To make use of the platform to search for partners. - To study different timetables and ways of organizing teachers and subjects in European centres.

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