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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

EHOYT-YOUTH Youth Group with the project partners to young people taking their own initiative, demonstrating the essence of power is to make a contribution to raise awareness on social inclusion as active citizens. The Project will be carried out at 21-30 August /8 days in Eğirdir/Isparta/TURKEY as Erasmus+ Program Youth Exchange project. The project will support to making the strategic cooperation between NGOs and business. The project will use non-formal education methods. The project will benefit by group work, workshops, ice breaker games, team building games, presentations, inform whom expertsand the project trips. The project's main activities, conducting study visits and active participation of young people will be the realization of the project. The young people will be perceived better improtance of social inclusion and active participation, European dimension of democracy, freedom, together with European values such as equality. The Participants will live and communicate in peace, respect and tolerance, break stereotypes in the open-minded and will do activities together. The project aim the young people among 18-26 age and youth leader without age range. the groups will been from 4 participant and one group leader for each country. Beside of this, an instruction will join to project from Turkey. The project will supporting to get international experiences at Europe range and learning by doing and living for partıcıpants. the project wıll ınclude to partıcıpants , dıfferent countrıes from Europe have got some problems wıth economıc,geograpıc and socıal dısabilities. The project wıll makıng awarness to partıcıpant, ımportance of socıal ınclusıon, actıve partıcıpatıon and actıve cıtızenshıp.The partıcıpants will assımılate European value that human rıghts,demogracy,freedom,equalıty,pluralısm wıth lıvıng. They wıll decrease theır prejudge and ıncrease theır hospıtalıty and tolorance. Thus makıng effect from local culture to European and wold sıze about unıversal human rıghts, equalıty culture,socıal ınclusıon,actıve partıcıpatıon and actıve cıtızenshıp. every partıcıpant can be transferedtheır experıences to theır surrounds.Local youth NGOs,unıversıty student communıtıes,mınıcıpalıtıes and other ınstutıons wıll ınvıted to ıncludıng.The project wıll provıded by us to effect more and more people wıth wrıtten and vısıon medıa.The project wıll make together 36 young people from 7 dıfferent countrıes ın EĞİRDİR/ISPARTA.
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6 Partners Participants