Services and Quality Improvement and Enhancing Acc..
Services and Quality Improvement and Enhancing Accuracy in Legal Area
Start date: Sep 1, 2014,
End date: Aug 31, 2016
Project summary:
Title: Services and Quality improvement and Enhancing Accuracy in Legal Area
Through this project, in which will be involved partners experienced legal and fiscal and also training providers, we want to realize a training module specific for the issues mentioned above. This need comes from the experience of partners who have found that no existing training market offers graduates the knowledge and skills associated with the legal and tax implication international transactions, more and more present in the collaborations of various economic and social EU partner countries.
The project objective are:
1. To improve the theoretical and practical knowledge on legal and fiscal issues and implication of international transactions in terms of specific differences in national legislation versus the European legislation;
2. To improve the quality and accurancy of legal and fiscal services and capturing good practices in the field of international transactions, developing operational skills and competencies of the partners’ personel involved in the project.
3. To facilitate access of legal and fiscal specialized graduates to the job market through specific professional training;
4. To increase he involvement of legal and fiscal specialist in accessing European funding through transnational partnerships..
Target group:
- graduates with specialization in legal and tax field who have not found a job and employees of partner organizations;
- staff members of each partner;
- other colleagues working in the legal and fiscal area.
Main activities:
- Developing and implementing the training module;
- Preparing of good practices miniguide;
- Creation of an e-learning platform.
- Developing procedures and working methodologies, working procedures for procurement, monitoring and assessment, financial management, communication, information management and documents, traveling, and other procedures necessary for the smooth implementation of project activities;
- Establishing work strategies through monthly workshops with team members to establish work strategies: planning activities, reporting on the status and progress of the project, monitoring project parameters in terms of time and quality resources allocated to each activity;
- Financial management and monitoring activities will be running under the requirements of the contract;
- Elaboration of information and publicity materials
Results and impact:
- Training module – will be prepared in collaboration with all partners. The impact is adrdessed directly to graduated persons;
- The miniguide of good practices will include analysis, interpretation and good practices of different cases considering the national legislations in relation to European legislation. This result will have direct and indirectly impact on all actors involved in the project;
- Creating and developing an e-learning platform, accessible to the public. An important role that the e-learning platform has is sustainability, offering the possibility of informing anytime on legislative updates and new good practices. The impact of this result will be on institutions/organisations and individuals.
Indicators of results
- 1 training module
- 1 e-learning platform
- 120 professional training beneficiaries
- 1 miniguide of good practices
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