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Service Level Agreement - Legal and Open Model (SLALOM)
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SLALOM is a support action tackling the complexity of cloud computing SLAs and contracts through standardisation of the SLA and contract terms and a reference model for SLA management. In doing so it will support the adoption of cloud (SLA complexity is an identified barrier to adoption) and support the exploitation of results from the cloud and SLA research communities, effectively by factoring in advances from the research sector into the SLALOM legal and technical models which will be promoted as industry standards.The project will involve interaction with policy makers, cloud providers, research projects and cloud adopters from various areas. There will be significant interaction with the policy groups set up under the European Cloud Partnership and the working groups of the research community. The project will run for 18 months, focusing on three phases – definition of the models; consensus building; and adoption.
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