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Serbian-Hungarian Co-operation on Agrochemistry and Pest-control Education (SHAPE)
Start date: Jun 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective: To develop and introduce a teaching material to promote the plant protection knowledge (the use and effect of pesticides) for farmers and entrepreneurs on both sides of the Serbian-Hungarian border. 12 trainers and 10 adult students will be trained at the LB and the PP.Target groups: a) Trainers: lecturers and teachers of P1 and P2, experts in the field of plant protection, advisors from the target area; b) Adult students (trainees): agricultural entrepreneurs (farmers)Activities: a) demand survey; b) teaching material development on two levels: for trainers and adult students; c) the publication of teaching materials (e-learning platform and printed form); d) preparing accreditation documents and accreditation process in Serbia; e) the training courses: 1. for trainers: theoretical and practical training in Hódmezővásárhely (5 days, 40 lessons); 2. for adult students (trainees): 2/1. theoretical and practical training in Vojvodina (4 sites, in Serb and Hungarian languages, 30 students per group); 2/2. practical training in Hungary (1-day study trips: visiting farms, companies etc.); f) the dissemination of the results (electronic and printed press, internet, brochures etc.) Achievements: The objective of the project was to develop and introduce a teaching material to promote theteaching of plant protection studies (the use and effect of pesticides) for farmers and expertsliving on both parts of the Hungarian-Serbian border.During the implementation of the project 12 tutors and 120 farmers were trained on coursesorganised by and held at the University of Szeged, Faculty of Agriculture (LP) and the University ofNovi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture (PP1).The target groups of the project were a) tutors: lecturers of KP and PP1 (12 persons); b) Serbianfarmers and entrepreneurs (120 persons)Completed work:a) Opening meeting in Hódmezővásárhelyb) Demand survey among agricultural enterprises (DACUM-SCID)c) Comprehensive analysis of the existing educational documents and experiencesd) Joint teaching material development, preparing teaching material for tutors and farmerse) Publishing the teaching material in printed formf) E-learning platform development and up-loadg) Theoretical courses both for tutors (40 lessons) and for farmers (on four locations 80-80 lessons,respectively)h) Study trip to Hungary organised for farmers participating in the programme (4 × 30 persons)i) Comprehensive evaluation of the experiences of the coursesj) Dissemination of results on both sides of the borderk) Insert the course into the education programme of the University of Novi Sadl) Final meeting and conference in Novi SadThe courses finished successfully; the farmers who had completed the training received acertificate on the final conference.
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  • 85%   179 987,50
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary - Serbia IPA CBC (HU-RS)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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