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sentation of castle and museum trail, cultural - historical attractions of the Baltic Sea region (BRIDGES 1)

The general aim of the project is to create a shared basis for permanent cooperation between subjects from three countries, built on the mutual cultural and historical offer. The activities undertaken by the partners aimed at promoting the offer of the castles and museums containing exhibits connected with these castles, which are existing material evidence of the common cultural heritage, characteristic of the three countries in the transborder region. Another objective of the project is to strengthen, among the inhabitants and tourists, the image of this region as an area where once was the state of the Teutonic Order and where numerous historic events took place, which makes this region attractive both culturally and touristically. The immediate aims, achieved through the execution of the project, involve: - creating the common Trail to connect the neighbouring territories lying in the three states, which are interested in the maintaining and further development of the Trail, - creating products for the promotion of the Trail (mainly printed materials and a website), - increasing the number of tourists visiting the communes which belong to the Association, - increasing the number of promotional and information activities for some small districts in northeastern Poland.

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  • 75%   13 399,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Lithuania - Poland - Russia (LT-PL-RU)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants