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Sensibilisation des élèves d'école maternelle à l’anglais parlé et découverte d’une culture européenne différente, à travers des comptines, des jeux, des échanges entre classes, grâce à une marionnette voyageuse et sa valise mystérieuse.
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The infant school which applies for an Erasmus + grant is situated in a small town . It has got 4 classes. It works with other schools of the area, with the townhall council and with parents ´associations. In the school project, the teachers are looking for activities aiming at: - Developping the pupils' abilities to open their minds upon the world, by offering them opportunities to be curious. - Acting upon their difficulties essentially concerning oral language, communication, and sometimes motivation regarding to school activities. Therefore, the teachers have decided to develop English speaking and exchanges with European English speaking schools. The activities with the pupils such as nursery rhymes, dancing games,traditional games, will develop their curiosity, their language skills and the discovering of English culture. Granny Paulette, a puppet, half French, half English, will be their favourite person to talk to. She will enjoy talking to the children in the classroom, but she will also enjoy travelling to European schools . She will take her travelling copybook in her suitcase to witness about schools and countries welcoming her. In order to achieve their project, three teachers are volunteer to use the Erasmus + programme and to attend a course in England. They need to improve their English speaking and understanding in order to be able to teach their pupils in English, to improve their knowledge about English culture in order to adapt it to infant schools' pupils.They also need to improve in TIC to be able to use E-twinning to communicate with other European schools. The organisation which was selected offers a two week course in Oxford, corresponding to the following identified needs : - learning and teaching foreign languages - pedagogy and didactics - TIC new technologies The teachers are organising the project with National Education which follows them along the different stages, the partner who organises the practicaĺ aspects of the mobility, the townhall council which is the money manager, with the CP class which will work upon traditional games in English and at last with the town library which intends to organise activities with " Story carpets" , with an English story teller,with the creating of an English corner. During the school year, the teachers will exchange ideas with European English speaking schools through E twinning to organise the puppet's travels and to send or receive class films. During the course in England, the teachers will get English cultural mediums to build more interesting lessons.They will introduce Granny Paulette and will look for partner classes in the schools visited. The project will be enhanced by the pupils'performance at the end of the school year in front of the parents and the other partners. The targets of the mobility project will be reached if the pupils are able to perform at the end of the school year, if the puppet has travelled, if a link has been established through Etwinning and if the teachers are able to realise a lesson for other teachers. The teachers will be involved in a pedagogical session dedicated to their experience, will show the results of their mobility during the end of the year show, will share their lessons with other teachers through E twinning, will leave information upon the Local National Éducation website. The school teachers hope this project will help to improve pedagogical performance , will allow them to develop stronger links between families and school members, will help the town to be more interested in Europe, will encourage teachers from other schools to get involved in Erasmus+ prorammes.

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