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Sensibilisation à l'Europe et appui à la coopération décentralisée franco-serbe
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context: The CG90 wants to develop tools for international mobility of young people and has been accredited as coordinating, sending and hosting organization for European volunteer service (EVS). The aim is to permit to young people to be confronted with other realities while carrying out activities of general interest. Objectives: - Awareness of inhabitants of the Territoire de Belfort, especially young people, to questions of European citizenship and construction of the European Union, - To support decentralised cooperation projects on fields of "Francophonie" and youth, implemented between the CG90 and the Municipality of Novi Beograd (for example, to support the building of the partnership between the Condorcet High School (Belfort) and the X High School (Novi Beograd) and the construction of an educational project designed to enable the exchange of pupils, or provide support for the realisation of a Franco-Serbian youth exchange in summer 2015), - Heighten awareness of CG90 staff to Europe and the Serbian culture. Duration: 12 months (September 2014-August 2015) Number of volunteer: 1 Country concerned: Serbia Theme: Heighten awareness to Europe and decentralised cooperation Volunteer activities: Activity 1: Awareness of European Union and European citizenship, by performing the following tasks: - Propose, in schools of Belfort and during Integration stay of new pupils of secondary schools at the nautical base of Malsaucy (2.5 days), workshops around Europe and Serbia. Starting from their own culture, the volunteer will present Europe and its challenges. - Suggest teachers of secondary school of Territoire de Belfort to develop educational projects around the discovery of Europe. Activity 2: Support for decentralized cooperation projects between the CG90 and the Municipality of Novi Beograd, on "Francophonie" and youth field, by performing the following tasks: - Support for the implementation of the educational project between the Condorcet High School and French bilingual class of the X High School in Novi Beograd. The volunteer will foster dialogue between young Serbian and French. - Support the realisation of a Franco-Serbian youth exchange in summer 2015. The contribution of ideas of a young Serbian will create better cohesion between young people and better acquaintanceship. Activity 3: Make known the Serbia to CG90 staff, by performing the following tasks: - To propose workshops on Serbia and Europe - To visit the various services of CG90 and propose interventions tailored to each service: the field here is very open and will be specified according to the ideas of voluntary and thoughts exchanged. Methodology: The volunteer will be supervised by CG90 agents in services where he/she will be attached. They will answer his-her questions and help him-her to develop activities. He/she will build his-her action plan in collaboration with these agents that surround him-her, and will be proposal force (to develop his-her initiative and creativity). Impact and expected results: The volunteer, the staff of CG90 and target audiences will be impacted by this international openness, allowing everyone to confront his worldview, his professional point of view, with other people. It will be a rewarding experience for everyone. The results will be: - Awareness tools to European citizenship and the European Union - Capitalization of good practices - Closer links firstly between structures of Territoire de Belfort and services of CG90, and secondly between Novi Beograd and CG90. Potential long-term benefits: - Strengthen Franco-Serbian fraternal relations - Allow European citizens (and future European citizens) to develop a conscious of European Union and European citizenship.
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