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Senior Intergenerational Social Capital

SISC - Senior Intergenerational Social Capital – addresses a problem that the whole ofEurope is facing: a constantly ageing population and consequent attempts to implementactive ageing strategies in order to avoid social exclusion. The aim of SISC is to exploitthe potential of senior workers, especially if close to retirement, fostering the transfer ofindividual know-how and competencies to new generations of workers withincompanies.SISC aims to calibrate a tool overcoming two main obstacles:1. make seniors acquainted with their own individual acquis, stressing their“shadow competencies”;2. provide knowledge/tools for properly transferring their know-how to newgenerations of workers, enhancing their will to contribute to intergenerational learning.SISC starts from the results of a previous project led by the Italian partner (“OVER 55:Dalla Prevenzione del prepensionamento alla gestione innovativa degli over 55”(VS/2004/0371)) that produced an info-training pathway on wise mentoring, targeted toHR managers. OVER 55 was a positive experience that invited replication Europeawide.This 2 year project will define, test and calibrate an ad hoc INDIVIDUALISED e-learningpathway targeted to senior workers close to retirement, taking into account different EUnational priorities and learner-responsive key statements.The tool (available in 5 different linguistic versions) will guide seniors toward thediscovering of their own shadow competences and a proper realisation of theirentrepreneurial / mentor role within a company.The SISC multi-actor partnership, through its wide network of enterprises, will be able toreach the addressed target group through first dissemination contacts withentrepreneurs, convincing them of the importance of exploiting senior workers’ knowhowthrough transfer to a new generation of workers. This first step will enable a deep,transnational and motivational use of ICT-based learning tools by a wide number ofsenior workers.
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4 Partners Participants