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Seinlädele April 2014
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project takes place within the EU-program Erasmus+, European Volunteer Service. The hosting organization S'Einlädele in Freiburg/Germany runs a Second Hand Shop and a café, in order to support a social facility in Ukraine: an orphanage, home for elderly people, residential care for single mothers, etc. Also transports of necessary goods take place regularly into the Ukraine; in theses days the transports are intensified due to the difficult political situation. The contakt between S'Einlädele and their partner organization in Ukraine exists already for more than 20 years. The project wants to inspirit the bridging between Germany and Ukraine and also it wants to open an opportunity of learning for a young volunteer, who grew up herself in the orphanage. The project is supposed to last for 12 months. The volunteer can work and participate in the different fields of activities of the hosting organization, she can collect intercultural experiences and she can learn German. This might open professional opportunities to her. During the project there is a good cooperation between hosting and sending organisation. The sending organisation is responsible to prepare the volunteer. At the hosting organisation there are various people who take care and support the vounteer. Regularly meetings will reflect the process of learning. At the end, the project will be evaluated from hosting organisation as well as sending organisation. The results will influence possilbe projects in the future. The project has the following aims: individual support of a young volunteer with less opportunities, developing a personal and professional perspective and future, reflecting different cultures by personal contacts, showing possibilities of participation in a democracy, getting to know the structures in a legal state, intensifying the exchange between Ukraine and Germany, also by organizing cultural events. Last but not least the conciliation is an important aspect, too, because of indescribable cruelties during the second world war.

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