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Second life
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jun 17, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project »Second Life " is the result of a partnership with organizations at all levels (from local to international ) and result of years of working of the center with regular incorporation of ideas about active participation of young people. Exchange will include activities and themes of awareness of young people about global challenges and consequences of human impact on the environment. We believe that young people are those who can, with their active participation, aid in the improvement of sustainable development and environmental care. Aims: - familiarize participants with the theme of sustainable development through the acquisition of practical skills and knowledge to provide an opportunity for active engagement in the field of public awareness of the need for changes in lifestyle that is environmentally friendly - encourage young people to engage more environmentally friendly culture and lifestyle , and to develop a critical attitude towards environmental issues . - to increase social and socially engagement of young people with fewer opportunities and to increase the possibility of obtaining informal experience, knowledge and skills that lead to the creation of social change in the local and international environment - To encourage, among young people, positive thinking about the development of personal skills that are important for their personal life and professional career. With workshops, as part of an exchange, we want to approach the concept of sustainable development to of young people and enable them to make their points of views , thoughts and position through various discussions and creative workshops.. The main objective of the Youth Exchange is to raise the awareness of young people about the importance of sustainable development, environmental protection and care of healthy life style and healty food.. We want to encourage young people to think about new alternatives, to encourage young people to take an active exploitation of nature with a sense of responsibility. Long-term objectives : • getting to know and understand other cultures through a variety of interactive methods of work , with an emphasis on teamwork and cooperation (learn about other cultures , other religions and ethnic groups , self activation and help to those in need , to enrich work experience ) • to raise young people's awareness of participants on the importance of sustainable development , environmental protection and healthy lifestyle • to contribute to the thinking and reflecting on the meaning of the concept of a healthy lifestyle and care for the environment • giving young people the opportunity to see international differences and similarities in culture and society, and to acquire new knowledge through international exchanges • to encourage young people to take the initiative and use their creativity to new changes and problem solving • to promote active intercultural experiences and exchange of good practices , acquiring organizational skills, experience working in a team • development of Competences • promotion and presentation of the Erasmus + programe to local communities in all participating partner organizations Short-term goals : • Organization of 10 -days international youth exchange To gain new learning experiences • Participation of 48 young people , manly young people with fewer opportunities , coming from 8 EU different countries ; • getting to know the participants and their cultures • to explore what young people can do in their daily actions in order to minimize negative impacts on the environment (mobility, consumerism , recycling , food ... ) • Develop their creative skills sign different methods • to identify good practices in different local environments and present them to each other • meeting with representatives of local providers of healthy organic (eco) food • 3 media reports on the event (promotion of and opportunities offered by Erasmus + programe ) • to create a common online communication tools • organization of the final events for the general public by presenting the results of the work • to make a brochure, which will be presenting different activities realized within the framework of the exchange , with a focus on the results of the exchange , which will be based on proposals to improve daily habits to reduce negative impacts on the environment. RESULTS : During the exchange, young people will exchange good experience in the field of environmental protection , the experience on how to contribute to the improvement of it and present the situation in their countries.. They will to present and formulate concrete proposals on how the local community can improve its relationship towards the environment Young people will also, in creative and innovative way, show how we can make new materials out from waste material, how and what can we make our of recycled products , so that reuse materials that normally end up in a landfill can be used again.

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