Search for European Projects

"Search for improvement"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SEARCH FOR IMPROVEMENT Within the context of a quickly changing community and changes in the education field Flemish Hotel- and Tourism schools are searching to find new possibilities inorder to improve the quality of the education and to have it more focussed on the labour market. What makes the education in Hotel- and tourism schools special is that this education is not only addressing to the local or regional market , but more to the European and international market, and this for all market segments or tourism, leisure, hospitality, business segment and this starting from a five star luxury hotel to a wide range of other companies like hostels, camping places, holiday parks….. In this project we have the following objectives: - study visit of different schools fro gastronomy : hospitality as well as for tourism with the objective to improve the quality of education in the won schools and to try to come to a common European curriculum and qualification structure - exchange of insights and ideas (discussion meetings, presentations by experts) about school policy and management, as well in the field of pedagogy as management and technical aspects - exchange of good practices in theoretical and practical lessons, with the aim to learn from each other and to come to new innovative programs in hotel and tourism schools - Create opportunities to enlarge the collaboration and exchanges (management – teachers and students) in the future - Collaboration between regional partners, companies and schools in order to have better educated young people who will be directly ready fort eh labour market. In this project 8 Belgian (Flemish) hotel and tourism schools of the AEHT Belgium network, supported by the sector organisation Horeca Vorming Vlaanderen will visit their Portuguese colleagues, being the hotel and tourism schools of the network Turismo de Portugal. (In April 2016 these Portuguese schools will visit the Flemish schools participating in this project.)
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