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SDOLM: Sex Discrimination on the Labour Market

According to the report from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, The European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions from 07.02.2007 there is a need for the development and implementation of gender mainstreaming policies. Every country deals with the problem of gender and equality between men and women and tries to find the ways to make it a working process. Even if the question of gender and equality between men and women is a common European question, each country has its own ways to address it, according to its traditions, policies, culture, economy, school system. The main objective of the project is to demonstrate and exchange different European countries’ "good practice" experience in supporting social the inclusion of young disadvantaged people, improving their chances through adequate learning offers and fighting gender discrimination.The general aims of the project are to improve the situation of women on the labour market and change the SMEs attitude towards women. The target group are unemployed women, women after maternity leave and women university graduates looking for jobs, as well as SMEs and VETs. The main intention is to transfer measures, e.g. knowledge about the problem in partner countries, to raise awareness in the SME sector and to achieve the following objectives: - to provide unemployed women and women after maternity leave with additional skills and knowledge in order to help them re-enter the labour market, - to support and motivate women graduates and give them orientation to the current employment requirements, and to foster gender equality, - to provide assistance for women who want to work in positions not regarded typically feminine. As stereotypes prevail in the society, the aim is to improve transparency of the educational system and make “masculine” jobs more attractive for women. Furthermore, to build a network of professional contacts (with SMEs and Educational Units) it is necessary to identify up-to-date labour market requirements. Discrimination in the labour market can negatively affect the incentives for women to invest in formal and informal learning as it results in a lower return on their investment. The multinational partnership should stimulate the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of sex discrimination on the labour market. Wisamar, ALVIT, Associazione SEND and the UEK will:- organize partner meetings, summarize the results and disseminate them among partners;- participate in the meetings activities; - if relevant, invite women from the target group; - invite one or more associated partners who can enrich the seminar with their own vision of the issues discussed; In addition to the partners mentioned above, Associazione NET and GIPFAR will also:- participate in the meetings activities; - elaborate the final outputs of the project;- develop part of the material for the website and newsletter, - participate in creating the project website.There will be two types of outcomes:1. intangible: shared knowledge, methods, international cooperation and networking workshops 2. tangible: website, newsletter, training module for employers and VET informing them about the subject of equality, good practice handbook (available also on CD ROM), workshop, brochure providing the general information on the project The impact will be a good practice handbook for both women and employers. It can be used in every SME, regardless of the economic sector. These good practices should raise the SMEs awareness on the issues of women. If the women know the requirements of the SMEs and the applicable policies, they can prepare themselves for the potential job. The innovative training module on equality for SMEs and VETs and the strategic recommendations should help to improve women situation on the labour market.

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