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Scientists Around Youth – Notte Europea dei Ricercatori (SAY)
Start date: May 1, 2009, End date: Nov 30, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The SAY (Scientist Around Youth) project is proposed by Frascati Scienza which is an association born in the framework of Marie Curie Action Researchers’ Night (RN). SAY has been designed by exploiting all the heritage of experiences accumulated by Frascati Scienza in managing three past RN projects. The three previous successful editions have been analyzed in order to improve the events maintaining and reinforcing the most successful and proposing innovative activities in order to achieve the expected public participation of 15.000 people. The Researchers' Night will be the "culminating event" of the Scientific Week, a wider programme organized by Frascati Scienza. SAY will pay special attention to youths public target in order to attract them towards a future scientific career. The project is articulated in harmonically and well-equilibrated informal, pleasant, enjoyable and attractive activities alternating to those linked with science. The events will be both held inside the participating Research Institutes and into Castelli Romani towns in particularly characteristic places as main squares, parks, pubs, restaurants, libraries, town halls, sites of European artistic and historical interest like the famous Ville Tuscolane, old residences of Pope’s family, and the local archaeological Museum and conference hall “Scuderie Aldobrandini”. The science linked together entertainment activities will be available to the public at large from kids to older people. Science shows and hands-on experiments will be proposed to show how science can also be funny. Guided visits in the several participating Research Institutes and experiments to simulate zero gravity will be proposed to public. Joint activities at national level aimed at enhancing both the awareness campaign and the impact assessment will be carried out; this will allow to provide the Commission with a National Impact Assessment which will be presented in Brussels during the dedicated European dissemination event."
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