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Science and technology park co-operation in EU-Future Region (TECPARKNET)
Start date: Apr 30, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2005 PROJECT  FINISHED 

TECPARKNET is a network consisting of regions in Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia and Hungary. The expected effects of the establishment of the network address the transnational approach, equal opportunities, environmental issues, employment and economic sectors and spatial development. The aim is to achieve improved competitiveness and a better economic situation for the regions involved. In order to achieve this, co-operation efforts combining economic, scientific and technology resources, comparative strengths and infrastructure have been established. They focus on innovative small- and medium-sized companies, clusters and also aim at promoting new businesses. The exchange of knowledge, competent partners and specialised infrastructure will facilitate integration of the regional economies on a higher level. The companies are at different stage in terms of economic and technology infrastructure but still there is a lot of potential for co-operation. Expected Results: The general effect expected from TECPARKNET is an upgraded level of economic and social integration in the regions involved in order to create a long-term network. More specifically the following effects have been achieved by the project implementation: - The integration of selected sectors and value added chains at transnational level, - The use of growth potential by increasing markets and participation of SMEs, - The increase of regional and economic efficiency by using complementary advantages of the partners, - The extension of existing bilateral and trilateral relations between partners at transnational level, - Reduction of existing imbalances between the partner regions, - Improvement of interactions between scientific institutions and industry, in particular SMEs, - Access to special high-level skills, know-how and experts in each partner region for all actors involved, thus to enhance competitiveness of the entire cooperation area, - Higher level of motivation, activation and integration of SMEs for cooperation projects at transnational level, - Creation of a sustainable network and partnership of technology parks in the cooperation area, - Transfer of shared experiences and best practices to the partners with special benefits for partners in Non-EU Member States

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  • 40%   500 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants