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Science and Technology International Cooperation Network for Gulf Cooperation Countries aiming at the promotion of bi-regional dialogue (INCONET-GCC)
Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Dec 31, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"INCONET-GCC aims to develop and support the bi-regional dialogue by bringing together policymakers and stakeholders of the GCC and EU Member States. It aims to create a dialogue and action platform to identify common interests in research areas, set up S&T priorities, support capacity building activities, and enhance the interaction between different cooperation instruments of the EC and EU Member States. It will promote actions in order to monitor, develop, promote and contribute to the creation of synergies among the various S&T cooperation programmes between the GCC and the EU Member States, and foster the participation of the GCC in the FP7, CIP, etc. An observatory of EU-GCC cooperation in S&T will be created in the project framework. The main outputs of INCONET-GCC will be INCONET-GCC open networking platform for policy dialogue and the future S&T, Contribution of INCONET-GCC to the EU Strategic Framework for International Cooperation is S&T, Collaborative plan in S&T policy advisory contributing to the decisions of the GCC-EU Joint Council, INCONET-GCC White Paper, Integration of GCC NCPs with EU NCP network, INCONET-GCC roadmap and sustainability report, Organisation of International Conference and dissemination events. INCONET-GCC will be achieved through a high quality, recognized value and expertise consortium. Consortium roles and expertise are complementary and allows for a balanced effort allocation across its the different objectives. Partners coming from distinguished institutions in EU and GCC region and includes representatives of all countries of the Arabian Peninsula, which politically includes the 6 GCC states and Yemen, which repeatedly seeks to join the GCC six-country block. The Ministry of Education (Egypt) and the Ministry of Higher Education (Morocco) are MIRA partners that will act as the liaison with MIRA project and their cultural background is close to those of GCC region. The consortium is flexible and easily manageable."

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