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Schweißen und Arbeiten in Finnland und Spanien
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International student exchanges are becoming more and more important and therefore education providers have to contribute their share to it. The program “Erasmus+ mobilities” offers excellent framework conditions for preparing our students of vocational training for the European job market. Thus, the school strives to extend its existing international contacts to Finland, France, England and Spain. 24 male and female students with a metalworking occupation and five teachers were sent to our partners in Finland (Varia) and Spain (Buitrago) to realize the two year project. The participants had the following professions: tool mechanic, industrial mechanic, cutting machine operator, and mechatronics. During their two-week stay they were given the opportunity to learn about technical subjects in school for one week and afterwards about the operational reality by working in the companies in the country of exchange. Both the learning objectives (e.g. welding), which were taught activity-oriented, and working in the company enabled the students to experience the cultural circumstances and the daily routine. Also, the students’ English speaking skills have been enhanced by talking about work related issues. The project aimed at the students’ enhancement in international experiences with regard to culture and language. The participants had to deal with the work environment of the exchange country on their own, adapt to the local circumstances and fit in given structures and teams. For this reason, the mobility of the participants with regard to the local, national and even European labor market has been increased, as the participants are now able to react flexibly to the future labor market thanks to a further developed self-perception and self-confidence. Moreover, this program makes the vocational training more attractive. This is a development, which is quite relevant due to the decreasing number of students because of the demographic change. The participants received the certificate EUROPASS. Additionally, a certificate of attendance from the project executing organization and from the Spanish and Finnish companies was attested and acknowledged by the responsible teachers from Spain and Finland. These certificates can be used for future applications by the students. The tickets and the accommodation were organized by the German school in cooperation with the school abroad and the students were chosen in cooperation with the dual partners of the vocational school. While the students were gaining vocational, cultural and linguistic experiences, five teachers also took the opportunity to learn about the school system and to do team teaching, job shadowing and company visits during their one-week stay. These activities lead to a closer networking among the staff.
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