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Schule leiten und ganztägig gemeinsam lernen in der Digitalen Welt -
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Since the current academic year our school is a comprehensive school (Gemeinschaftsschule). As the heterogeneity of our pupils increased with the start of this type of school we would like to bring forward the professionalising of our teachers. In the following areas we see a particular need:- Use of digital media- Inclusion- Full-time school- Context Europe - foreign language learning- Management and organisation of schoolWe believe in heterogeneity as a chance and want to develop further individual and cooperative learning in order to achieve our main goal: to provide them with the necessary principles to be able to live a self-determined and independent life in a multicultural and tolerant society and to help shape our democratic community as active and responsible citizens.In order to achieve these goals, our partner schools will be visited by those teachers who have been given the mandate of the staff conference: The team leaders of the different grades and inclusion classes (Inkusionsklassen), the consultant of teaching development, IT representatives, the head of the English department of primary school and the headmaster and his deputy. In addition to the job-shadowing in Great Britain, Finland, Hungary and Turkey they will visit courses in the field of language teaching methodology and inclusion.As learning outcome the participants of Erasmus+ have expanded their repertoire of concepts of inclusive pedagogy, the organisation of the all-day service and the use of digital media and have reflected it in a dialogue with the international partners.With their well-founded knowledge the participants are interlocutors for their internationals partners, who reflect their ideas in an open dialogue and include lived experience. Policy measures and challenges are discussed on the level of school management and are included into the school development. Main subjects of the discussion will be the implementation of the UN Disability Rights Convention and the challenges of the digital world. The results have an influence on the management-training programme at the academy of teacher training and the human resources development.By taking part in the workshop dealing with the topic of inclusion, the participant will be able to bring in her additional knowledge to the development of school and to consultant services at other schools.We expect this project to provide us with lasting and sustainable benefits in terms of school development, quality improvement and professionalising of teachers. The relation to the partner schools is supposed to be maintained beyond the project and to allow mutual enrichment and communication between the partners.

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4 Partners Participants