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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This new project is providing a comprehensive response to several key requirement to improve the quality of the education from different point of views; bearing in mind at all time the need to achieve the goals set of The Strategic Framework: Education and training 2020. The project duration is 24 months, coinciding with the academic years 2016-17 and 2017-18. Throughout the project we will carry out 12mobilities for six-day stucutred courses. These are the courses delivered in Poland and United Kingdom:- ICT: Learning By Doing. We will deal with informatics tools, that have a undeniably valuable at educational and organisational level and most of the applications are free.- CLIL. Bilingual teachers will meet new teaching and pedagogical methods, new contents and materials in the context CLIL.- Keys To Communication Success. It will improve teacher’s communication skills and this will help them adapt to new ways of interacting with both students and colleagues.--Educational coaching tools. It will allow our teachers to increase their motivation for the personal and professional development of themselves, and at the same time they will learn how to use these tools to motivate their students.- Boost Your Entrepreneurial Spirit. They will deal with tools used to inculcate the culture of entrepreneurship in young people.-Discover Leader In You. The Centre's management staff and the administrative staff will learn how to improve leadership skills, human and physical resources management and motivation of school teachers and non-teaching staff.These structured courses have been selected by the Management Team and Coordination team for European Projects after a thorough analysis of the needs of our centre.The medium and long-term expected results that we want to achieve are:- Our teaching methods will be more dynamic and interactive, encouraging student motivation.- The most unwilling teachers to use new technologies will understand the practical use and the benefits of the use of such devices, as computers, tablets or mobile phones in the classroom.- During bilingual lessons we will use content and programming adapted to the CLIL. - The teacher-student communication will be more effective and close. This will make the content more attractive for students.- It will promote lifelong learning for both students and teachers.-The material and human resources will be better accomplished.-There will be an improvement of measures to promote entrepreneurship.- There will be a better working environment and it will be encouraged the companionship.- We will increase the number of teachers with a minimum level of English, B1.These elements will allow us to offer a quality education that produce directly effects on the educational and human skills of our students.

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