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Schaffung eines Malortes nach Arno Stern für die Ausbildung sozialpädagogischer Berufe an der Beruflichen Schule des Kreises Ostholstein in Oldenburg, Außenstelle Lensahn
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jul 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Background - a range of uses and applications of the research results of the I.R.S.E. and experiences of Arno Stern in link with the recent findings of brain research to know - with effects on self - education and learning processes in children, adolescents and adults for a healthy personality development, successful career choice and -training in Europe. - the possibilities for promoting key skills such as dealing with challenges, resilience, responsibility, tolerance, initiative, empathy, joy of learning, teamwork skills through the training content and the Malort by A. Stern get to know and experience. Project objectives - training of educators , Social Pedagogical Assistants with the contents of the training of the I.R.S.E. - Arno Stern an der Fach- und Berufsfachschule für Sozialpädagogik, Schleswig-Holstein ( ) - concrete for classroom use of educational content, reflection of experiences , develop ideas for implementation of educational practice - the support of the teaching staff through training in the creation of Malort by Arno Stern in socio-educational institutions in S–H. - networking and continuation , further development here in Germany , Schleswig -Holstein, through education and training of educational professionals. Number and profile of participants one person, Christiane Lippmann , Diplom Pädagogin (RWTH Aachen ), and teacher mother, three children (Robin , 25, m; Malen, 23, w; Lou Isa,11,w) - studies in education , psychology and sociology at the university RWTH -Aachen - school teacher at the Berufliche Schule des Kreises Ostholstein in Oldenburg ( ) - educational use in pedagocical theory and practice, arts and creativity, media practice at the Fachschule and Berufsfachschule für Sozialpädagogik - special tasks in the field of public relations, School Practice Association - training in design, media education and practical issues / at Media Office Hamburg - head of creative workshops - media experience by working in print media ( newspaper ), NDR Hannover, radio and ZDF Mainz, television Description of activities brief description of the expected results and effects - concrete for classroom use of content and experiences in the context of education in the I.R.S.E . in Paris - a range of uses and applications of research results and experiences by Arno Stern in link with the recent findings of brain research - with effects on self- education and learning processes in children, adolescents and adults for a healthy personality development, successful career choice and training - promotion of key skills such as dealing with challenges, resilience, responsibility, tolerance , Initiative, empathy, joy of learning, teamwork skills by training with Arno Stern In short: - the training of educators , social Pedagogical Assistants inside with the contents of the training at Arno Stern - the creation of Malorte by Arno Stern on socio-educational institutions in S-H - networking, training and continuation , further development here in Schleswig -Holstein, Germany Expected long -term benefits : - link with the recent findings of brain research - with effect on self- education and learning processes in children, adolescents and adults for a healthy personality development, successful career choice and training - Promotion of key skills such as dealing with challenges, resilience, responsibility, tolerance, initiative, empathy, joy of learning , teamwork skills by training with Arno Stern as part of school work - networking, cooperation with European partners, training and continuation, further development here in Schleswig -Holstein, Germany
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