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Savoirs Agroécologiques et ingéniosité des territoires
Start date: Nov 1, 2013,

The SAGITER project is based on the hypothesis that progress towards environment-friendly farming can be achieved by coupling scientific knowledge with folk knowledge. The aim of the project is to apply this precept to agricultural training. Its originality stems from the desire to launch a process of passing on knowledge based on experience to future farmers in an institutional framework, that is to say through universities, schools, training centres, advisory services and providers of continuing training. The educational resources will be distributed as open-source material under a Creative Commons (CC) licence.There will be eleven participants from six European countries.The project consists in clarifying methodological issues regarding the collection and analysis of local knowledge, clarifying the role of the trainer and resolving the antithesis between the length of time taken to amass general knowledge and the short time frame of agricultural training courses. Apart from the fact that such knowledge is the basis of individuals’ vocational qualifications, it is known to influence their practices directly in a world in which increasingly intensive farming has had a detrimental effect on the countryside and natural resources.The aim of this project is to implement proposals for the development of training courses and modules designed to disseminate such knowledge in accordance with a European policy of environmental and resource conservation. Agri-environmentalism is based on people, their land and their local areas, with all their assets and their specific characteristics. Acquiring better knowledge of local practices, sharing them, cataloguing them and knowing and analysing the ways in which they are passed on so that they can be applied more widely are the keys to achieving the objectives and adhering to the guidelines defined by the European Commission with regard to the identity of products in terms of geographical origin, the traceability of products, the shortening of distribution channels and the promotion of forms of agriculture that respect the environment and conserve natural resources.
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