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Safe European ITInerary
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The “Safe European ITInerary” is a two-year project (2015-2017) which, as a macro-goal, aims in the medium term to respond with internationalism to the common challenges of a global and evolving society. School may have an important role in the government of the changing world as long as it lives the change and supersedes contents, methods and environment. The rhythm of transformation has become very fast, therefore we cannot be satisfied with what we are today, but we must look to the future to avoid being overtaken by the future itself. The project starts from a careful analysis of what we are, a school with a rich educational offer and growing acclaim by the users, but also the identification of our weaknesses: mainly the modest safety and risk prevention culture, the difficulty with moving to a more modern teaching methodology (CLIL, ICT, integration of disciplines), the rate of school failure, well above the national average and the European target set at 10% for 2020, the average language skills below the European standards. We must and we want to give our students a modern open training, which is focused on health and environment, able to stimulate creativity and to keep on improving in the perspective of long life learning; we want and we must offer an European future to young citizens. Practically it means: more languages, more mobility, more technology, more health, more security, more awareness, more cooperation, more civic sense, more fairness, more inclusion, more intercultural communication, more sustainability, more targeted skills, more active citizenship, devoting our best energies to the process of acquiring the skills needed for their exercise. The project aims to acquire and revive the skills and abilities of the school staff in the areas of risk prevention, languages, methodologies, and it also keeps an eye on updating on administrative practices, including practices of Project Management and European design. We have chosen to involve in SEITI project all the staff professional figures, as we are well aware that each of them plays a significant and irreplaceable role within the school community. We will select 36 staff members (the Headmistress, 25 teachers, 3 administrative assistants, 4 technical assistants and 3 caretakers) who will have an important purpose forming a "task force" that will be the driving force for the process of innovation and internationalization of the school. The mobility activities will be preceded by a preparatory phase in which the selected people will be trained in foreign language, safety and culture of the destination countries. We have planned: 1 teaching assignment, 3 job shadowing and 32 structured courses abroad at least and we expect that the staff members will acquire certified competences to exert in the school. Afterwards dissemination activities (eTwinning, workshops, webinars etc) will take place in the school and externally, in order to obtain a relevant impact on the territory and which will continue well beyond the life of the project. The most significant concrete expected results are: the school project about Risk Education, already approved by the School Committee, the reduction of school failure, to acquire recognized language certificates by our staff and our students, to produce teaching materials and projects shared by eTwinning, to arrange events which will be opened to the territory etc. The mobility actions will be prepared and supported by an Organising Committee and a Valuation Committee, built on purpose, which will monitor all the implementation stages of the project and the following two years, to make sure that the individual activities will be consistent with the wider path of innovation required by the school. Monitoring tools and the targets set for the evaluation of the project effectiveness are clearly outlined. The data acquisition and their processing will be supported by "SEITI_2015_17", a software built on purpose by some of our staff members. Finally KA1 mobility project plan is part of an important attempt of our management to update, motivate, and renovate the school, in view of the demanding challenges of our students and society. An improved approach and feeling for Europe and its values is one of the main objectives, and the participation into different European projects (such as Comenius, mobility of students, KA2 projects) testify it.
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