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Safe EU Driver

The new EU directive regulating the initial qualification and periodic training of professional drivers, improving skills of professional drivers through: (1) Introduction of compulsory driver training beyond the driver licence level (2) Harmonising of training and examination standards (3) Mutual recognition of diplomas. These activities are expected to increase road safety and make the profession more attractive to young people. This is also the aim of the project network. The partners will create a framework, which will allow European training organisations to share good practice and thereby enhance the quality of the professional quality of road transport. The project will: (1) compare the existing training elements and find the most suitable ones for training according to the directive (2) compare standards of the training (3) make a cost/benefit analysis of the most effective training methods (4) develop common recommendations for the training. The results will be presented in a handbook (in English) and the dissemination will happen on the project’s website, in general assemblies of EuroTra twice a year, 4 newsletters, by information distribution through partners’ national networks, distribution of the handbook to all European member states of EuroTra association and an European conference targeted to all states’ authorities, social partners and training institutions. Participating countries: BE, CZ, DK, DE, FR, NL, PL, UK, RO, SE
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9 Partners Participants