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S1-L13 Euro-Asia partnership to promote Engineering Technology Education and Research Exchanges
Start date: Jul 15, 2011,

The project aims to develop cooperation between Asian and European higher education institutions, through the exchange of students and staffs. The objective is to build structured long-term cooperation between all partners, resulting in a sustainable network. The project offers the perfect opportunity to boost the exchange of know-how for curriculum development, new teaching methods, training of research supervisors and research collaboration. TECHNO will allow to promote the regional cooperation in the Asian countries involved and to train a future generation of academics that foster a culture of sustainable development and durable growth and promote regional integration. As the consortium offers a wide range of Engineering and Technology areas, any individual mobility demand will find the right educational programme or the right university. The exchanges will contribute to enrich the educational environment in both sides and to prepare the future elites of the concerned countries to a better mutual understanding. TECHNO will enhance the skills of staff, who can in their turn contribute to the improvement of the education system in their home country: 27% of the scholarships are reserved for staff exchange. Professors and administrative staff applying will have to argument how their stay will contribute to structure reforms in the Asian countries involved, and this will be evaluated. TECHNO will enhance in the medium term the political, cultural, educational and economical links between the EU and the Asian countries involved: this project contributes to improving mutual understanding between the EU and Asia, by enabling personal contacts. The specific objectives of the action is to develop the Asian universities’ capacity to carry out educational research and training programmes related to engineering and technology areas at all level in their region. Furthermore the project aims to include establishment of long-term links between Europe and Asia through the universities involved. Mobility flows will be open to students (Undergraduate, Master, Doctorate), Post-doctorate and academic and administrative staff from 6 different countries in Asia including 13 universities. All of them will have the opportunity, according to his/her field of studies and language knowledge, to go to one of the European universities involved in the project (6 universities). The project will start in July 2011 for 48 months under three different cohorts involving all types of mobility. TECHNO Programme is also open to people from vulnerable groups equal chances and thus disseminating EU social and democratic values. Thus, 11% of the scholarships are planned for students from vulnerable groups in the Asian countries involved (refugees, ethnic minorities, internally displaced populations, disabled students, economically disadvantaged students).

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