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S počítačovou gramotností do světa II
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The content of the project „With computer Literacy to the World II“ are internships of pupils from vocational school in the legth of 4 weeks. The project submitter (sending organization) is Business Academy, Ostrava-Poruba, contributary organization (OA Poruba). There is involved Swan Training Institute, Dublin, Ireland (STI) as an intermediary organisation which guarantees the suitable work placements and assists by practical issues regarding the stay of pupils. The concrete end companies has been concurrently negotiated at the stage of completion of this application. The aim of the project is to increase the competitiveness of students of our school at the labour market, as well as to improve their professional skills and combine them with the use of English as the necessary conditions of prospective employment.Participants of the project are 40 OA Poruba students in total – which means a group of 20 of them in May 2017 and 20 others in May 2018. Each year a group of 20 will consist of 10 students from Business Academy branch and other 10 ones studying Information Technologies. Students of the above mentioned branches have following assumptions: they communicate in English at a good level, they use office software (MS Office), they deal with various business information systems, they can do computer programming using basic programming languages, they cope with network management, produce websites and web design, they have studied complex enterprise economy (marketing, management, logistics, personnel, financial management, statistics) and accounting (double-entry bookkeeping, software applications focused on accounting). The Internship in Ireland is expected to be a chance where the participants can practise and deepen professional competencies resulting from the profile of the school graduates: - Do programming in basic languages and tools that the company / organization use in its work; - Implement the web design, create web pages, using animation and photo processing programs; - To design and optimize the functioning of a computer network, propose a suitable data protection.- Create documents in basic office software (MS Office - especially making tables and calculations in Excel, various documents in Word, creating promotional PowerPoint presentations, etc.);- Work with software products in the economic system of the company including accounting software (area of supply, property, payroll, financial issues, etc.); - carry out current economic agenda (creating, recording and archiving of accounting documents, work with forms of financial statements and operating records, financial and accounting calculations, implementation of base operations); - Work in the field of logistics and supply flows; The content of the internships is based on CV data and a covering letter and it will be tailored to individual abilities and needs so that each participant could get the greatest possible professional benefit. The hosting organization is committed to finding an adequate job for each participant. STI also provides accommodation in host family with half board, local transportation and it is also involved in internships monitoring. OA Poruba, the sending organization, assumes responsibility for the linguistic, technical and cultural training of participants, for all mandatory contractual documentation, for all administrative and accounting of the project and ensures air transport to the place of internships, including travel insurance. OA Poruba further in the course of communication with the receiving organization will agree suitable work placement for each participant. Furthermore both partner organizations agreed on the implementation of certification and validation of results through ECVET and Europass-Mobility.The result and a long-term impact of this project is upgrading skills which are required for finding a good adequate job after graduation, as well as regaining the knowledge and skills needed for further studies of all participants. Mobility participants will gain throughout Europe standardized certification (Europass Mobility, ECVET), which clearly qualifies tasks in which internships participants proved and which clearly defines the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities.
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