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"S'ouvrir aux autres pour mieux se former et mieux s'adapter"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Erasmus plus project is fully part of the 2014-2018 school project , that is to say a true policy to open up internationally that will benefit to the students and to their teaching. The three parts of the Erasmus Plus project ' S'ouvrir aux autres pour mieux se former et mieux s'adapter' have allowed to develop inter-cultural and linguistic exchanges as well as to compare different school systems. The different mobilities have linked up the multi-skilled highschool staff ( teachers, educational adviser, librarian, headmistress ). This new European policy at school now gives a meaning to the teaching and encourages new European projects. The English lessons have helped the teachers to gain confidence to build up mobilities abroad and to teach their subjects in English. Moreover the staff involved in observing different school systems ( in Decin and Maranello ) have discovered new teaching methods and innovative approaches as well as meeting up European firms. All the applicants involved in the different mobilities have been greatly sastisfied and have put into practice what they have discovered abroad. A new Erasmus Plus Ka-1 project has been validated for 2016-2018 and will allow 15 new staff-members to benefit from English lessons thus comforting the school European project.

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